Global Gathering of Military Chaplains Celebrates Unity in Christ


In the heart of Brussels, Belgium, a gathering of military chaplains from across the globe recently underscored a simple, yet powerful truth: even in the chaos of war zones, natural disasters and global crises, faith remains a steadfast beacon. At the 36th annual conference of Military Chiefs of Chaplains, leaders from a multitude of nations met to strengthen families, promote religious freedom and deepen spiritual care for those serving on the frontlines.

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Among them was Brigade General Henry Monapo, Chief of Chaplains from Zambia, who traveled thousands of miles with a clear mission: to learn, connect and bring back wisdom to his homeland.

“We are always on a journey of life, and there are a lot of things that we need to learn and borrow good practice from other people,” Monapo reflected. But more than sharing best practices, these chaplains gathered to find common ground in their shared faith. “Despite our cultural differences, we are one in Christ,” he added, emphasizing the unity that binds these spiritual leaders together across continents.

For Monapo, serving in Zambia—a nation officially declared Christian—presents unique challenges and opportunities. His work focuses on instilling core values like honesty, integrity and responsibility within the Defense Forces, but the mission doesn’t stop there. These values are meant to ripple out into society, fostering self-governance and personal accountability rooted in faith. “When people embrace these core values, we are going to have a society where one doesn’t need a policeman to have a conscience of what they are doing,” Monapo explained.

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Yet, the life of a chaplain is not without its burdens. These men and women are often the pillars of strength for soldiers and first responders facing the horrors of war and disaster. But who supports the chaplains?

“You can be in a position of a wounded healer,” Monapo admitted. “Yes, as chaplains we give shoulders for others to put their head on and find peace. But who helps a chaplain?”

Conferences like the one in Brussels offer more than professional development—they provide chaplains with a rare space to share their own struggles, find encouragement and renew their spiritual strength. It’s a reminder that even those who guide others need guidance themselves.

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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.


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