Harris or Trump: Who Will Get Your Vote on Nov. 5?


The choice between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris is critical not only for policy reasons but for the future direction of the nation. Both candidates are well-known figures: Trump having served as president, and Harris as vice president, claiming involvement in every decision made by the Biden administration. While neither candidate is without flaws, the decision comes down to their grasp of important issues and leadership qualities.

Trump, despite his controversies, is seen as someone who “gets it.” Many believe he has a strong understanding of what needs to be fixed in America, and he’s often viewed as being right on key issues about 90% of the time. Harris, on the other hand, is criticized for lacking depth in understanding complex matters, particularly on the global stage. For those seeking a leader who can handle the international crises we face, Trump is favored by some as the better choice.

Trump’s role as a political wrecking ball seems necessary for dismantling ineffective institutions long overdue for reform or dismantling. On issues such as life and marriage, Trump may not align perfectly with staunch pro-life or traditional marriage advocates, but his supporters believe his focus on preserving the republic takes precedence. The survival of the nation, they argue, is crucial to continuing the fight for other liberties, such as protecting life in the womb or defending traditional marriage.

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One of the most significant threats discussed in this election season is the rise of globalism, a movement toward centralized, one-world governance seen in actions from the World Health Organization and the United Nations. The concern is that international treaties, such as the so-called pandemic treaty, could undermine national sovereignty. Trump is viewed as the bulwark against this threat. His opponents believe he is one of the few political leaders resisting globalist efforts they view as the solution to Western civilization and its Judeo-Christian foundation. The globalism scheme is believed to align with antisemitic, anti-Christian elements.

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Support for Israel is another critical difference between the two candidates. Trump has been a strong advocate for Israel, moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem and standing against international efforts to delegitimize Israel. Harris, however, is portrayed as lacking in understanding and support for Israel, with concerns that her policies might favor radical elements that oppose Israel’s right to defend itself.

At its core, this election is not just about choosing the next Oval Office occupant, but about standing against what is perceived as a globalist scheme that undermines core values. The Democratic platform, in this view, represents an agenda that includes support for abortion, same-sex marriage, transgender rights and other policies seen as contrary to the Bible. The Republican platform is grounded in defending life, traditional marriage, parental rights, religious liberty and support for Israel.

The two candidates and the people who comprise their respective parties are opposites. Most Republicans, that is, good historic Republicans:

  • Value life in the womb.
  • Cherish the sanctity of one-man, one-woman marriage.
  • Affirm parental authority, believing that parents, not the government, have the right to make decisions for their children.
  • Unabashedly support Israel and the Jewish people.
  • Want law and order, desiring criminals to be punished and innocent citizens to be protected. Romans 13 states that the purpose of government is to protect the citizens.
  • Desire to have a truly secure border.
  • Cherish religious liberty, which includes the display of religious values in the public square.
  • Want to have energy independence, which is a proper understanding of Genesis 1:28, and thus have a sane understanding on the balance of needed fossil fuels, clean nuclear energy and solar/wind power.
  • Support individual liberties and advancement based on merit.
  • Love their nation and its flag, thus do not favor a globalist government.

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In contrast, most, or at least many, Democrats:

  • Favor dismembering babies in the womb right to the point of birth, with some even supporting the killing of the baby after birth.
  • Support that for which God destroyed Sodom and currently affirmed in same-sex marriage.
  • Support the most radical and bizarre of all new ideas, that is, transgender surgery, requiring taxpayers to pay for this costly procedure—even for felons in prison—and want to punish anyone who “misgenders,” that is, calls a person “he” or “she” by their obvious biological, and correct, birth gender, as in the scientific delineations of XX and XY.
  • Deny parents the right to make decisions over their children, taking the children from the parents if the parents have biblical views, a complete violation of the First Amendment and historic family laws.
  • Have ended, or are at least weakening in, their support of Israel and the Jewish people, with many elected Democrats becoming openly antisemitic to the point that they support the barbaric attacks by Hamas on innocent Israeli civilians.
  • Have openly supported criminals, decriminalizing even violent actions, releasing persons caught in crimes from being held in jail, with the current Democratic candidate for president having openly raised bail money for those who rioted, burned and looted in the summer of 2020.
  • Have allowed millions of unvetted persons into the nation with taxpayers providing cash, cell phones, transportation, meals and housing.
  • Have attempted to squelch religious liberty, most often by coercing homosexuality, same-sex “marriage” and transgenderism on people of faith.
  • Have shut down drilling and pipelines in America, thus making us reliant upon other nations and even our enemies for fuel, and are determined to force all Americans to have electric vehicles and surrender their gas stoves, with unrealistic expectations that the nation’s needs can be met by solar and wind energy.
  • Support diversity, equity and inclusion; environmental, social and governance; and critical race theory, all based on Marxism, which at its core is built on envy and creating strife between all of society by race, sex, age, religion and sexual orientation. Marxism’s goal includes the destruction of the family and the church.
  • Insist that America is racist, sexist, misogynistic and a force for evil in the world, to the point of sometimes standing with those who openly participate in the burning of U.S. flags or waving the flag of Hamas.

The stakes, to say the least, are profound. Candidly, the ruler I want is King Jesus. He rules in my heart. And yours too, I suspect. And I want Him to rule here, now. But that day is not fully manifested, at least not yet. In the meantime, we prayerfully, carefully navigate this election season, with the desire that we honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in every arena of our lives, including the voting booth. This is my hope. I believe it is yours as well.

That is my take on this extremely important election.

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Dr. Jim Garlow is the founder and CEO of Well Versed, a ministry to members of Congress, ambassadors at the United Nations and other elected officials bringing biblical principles of governance to government leaders. He served on President Trump’s Faith Advisory team for four years and has met in small delegations with 10 presidents, prime ministers and one king. Garlow is an author, communicator, commentator, historian and cultural observer, and has appeared on NBC, ABC, CNN, Fox, MSNBC and CNBC.


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