Is Donald Trump God’s Chosen ‘Cyrus’ to Rebuild the Temple?


Since Donald Trump soundly defeated Kamala Harris in the U.S. presidential election, the world has been swirling with rumors, prophecies and predictions about what the coming days will hold.

One rabbi, Rabbi Yosef Berger, believes that Trump will usher in what many consider impossible: the rebuilding of the Third Temple.

Rabbi Berger believes that as the leader of the United States, Trump is then the spiritual descendant of the Roman Emperor, and the leader of the Western world. In this capacity, Trump is the King Cyrus-like figure, often described this way by prominent Christian voices such as Lance Wallnau, who can rectify the sin Rome committed with destroying the second temple, and bring about a new one.

“Trump’s election is a necessary element of the geula (redemption) and a sign that the moshiach (Messiah) is imminent,” Rabbi Berger said, as reported by Israel365 News. “That is why Donald Trump in Gematria (Hebrew numerology) equals 424, which is the same as Moshiach ben David (Messiah from the house of David).

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“This certainly does not mean he will be the Messiah, but it indicates that he will play a role in preparing the way for the arrival of the Messiah. He clearly has this inclination.”

Such a shocking event would shake the political world to its foundations. The world, currently fuming with antisemitism as it is, would erupt at such a prospect, largely due to the fact that the Al-Aqsa Mosque sits atop the Temple Mount, with the Dome of the Rock lining the Jerusalem skyline.

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Compared to the Harris-Biden administration, Trump has a very strong relationship with Israel, especially religious Jews. As reported by Israel365 News:

This connection was so evident in Trump’s connection with Jerusalem that in 2018, the Sanhedrin minted a coin with the profile of Trump superimposed on the image of Persian King Cyrus, who facilitated the building of the Second Temple in Jerusalem.

Like Trump, King Cyrus was a gentile, yet was instrumental in the rebuilding of the Jewish place of worship.

“Like Cyrus, God put Donald Trump in power in order to build the Temple and pave the way for Moshiach [Messiah],” Rabbi Berger said. “Like Moses, Trump began as part of the common people, was revealed in his first success entering the White House, but was then hidden.

“Like Moses, now that Trump has been revealed for the second time, he will fulfill his ultimate function,” he continues.

As Charisma previously reported in 2016, Lance Wallnau revealed he believed that God was raising up Donald Trump in the same way He did King Cyrus in Isaiah 45. This was prior to Trump winning the Republican nomination for the first time.

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Rabbi Berger believes this to be true as well, and that we will see the evidence of it in the next Trump administration.

“Just like the Second Temple, the Third Temple will be built by non-Jews,” Rabbi Berger said. “This will only be fully revealed after Trump fulfills this role.”

Speaking to Breaking Israel News, Rabbi Berger shared, “Many times in the Bible we find that the greatest spiritual light comes from the most hidden of sources.”

Those are very true words. From King David being the least in his family, to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ being born in a manger, the Lord works in mysterious ways. As to whether President-elect Donald Trump will be a leading figure in the rebuilding of the Third Temple? Well, only time will tell, but in the meantime we must keep him, the nation of Israel and the whole world in our prayers while preparing the way for our Lord’s return.

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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.


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