John Ramirez, Michael Knowles Expose Satanism’s Darkness


If you ever believed that the devil was simply a myth, former Satanist-turned-evangelist John Ramirez will tell you exactly how this is not so.

After spending 25 years of his life committed to the devil through the occult, ranking as a warlock, John Ramirez has spent years telling others about the resurrection power of Jesus and the dangers of getting involved with the demonic.

In a recent interview with The Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles, Ramirez revealed some of the most gruesome parts of growing up in the practices of Satan.

As a young child, Ramirez found a necklace that seemed to fall out of the sky that was one of his big introductions to the demonic. He also was accustomed to his parents’ activities in the demonic realm.

“At the age of eight, my mom was taking me to the fortune teller with my aunt because I came from a family of warlocks and witches from my father’s side [be]cause my father was a warlock and witch,” Ramirez says.

Ramirez explains that his upbringing inside of this spiritually dark place was masked behind Santeria like many people, believing it is the same thing as Catholicism. However, Ramirez warns that Santeria and Catholicism could not be more different from one another.

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“We pretend we’re Catholics,” says Ramirez. “Because we adopt Catholic culture…and people believe it.”

Ramirez says that while Christians go to church on Sunday morning, those who find themselves in these occultic practices worship the darkness on Saturday night all the way through Sunday morning to perform rituals, makes spells and deal with the spiritual realm.

Not only are the spells within the occult real, but Ramirez’s Halloween wedding ceremony needed the approval of witches, warlocks and demonic spirits.

To order John Ramirez’s new book, “Exposing the Devil’s Playbook,” visit

“When I get married now, we do a covenant with God; it’s a sanctification, it’s a blessing. It’s a covenant with the Lord, you and your mate that you come together and you become married. So there’s that covenant. But then you got a witchcraft covenant from the dark side, the opposite side of the tracks,” Ramirez says. “When you high rank in the occult, you have to get married and get approved by demons and principalities and territorial spirits, marine spirits, water spirits, they have to come together through high power mediums and warlocks and witches…”

Ramirez also points out that at his wedding they performed blood sacrifices and rituals as well. This deep darkness that he found himself in would years later be completely altered when Ramirez found himself in the actual place of hell.

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“I died in my apartment in 1999,” Ramirez says, “ended up in hell, and then the devil ended up in hell convincing me [to not] leave him, and the cross of Jesus Christ, the wooden cross, shows up in hell.”

“I saw two family members in hell that they are still alive on the earth,” he continues. “They were devil worshippers. And then I ran to the portal of hell…you can hear the wailing and the fear in hell, it’s not like the one on the earth. The fear in hell wraps around you like a straight jacket, breathes on you like a human person.”

Ramirez realized that he did not belong in hell. Satan himself was upset with Ramirez, speaking with him, knowing that Ramirez would expose the darkness behind his agenda. Satan tried to kill his spirit, but the cross kept appearing, intervening between the two. Soon, Ramirez found himself back in his body, and he knew that God had given him one more opportunity to turn toward Jesus as his Lord and Savior.

While the demonic is real, and Satan truly is after our souls, the power of Christ is still bigger, and He can and will save people from the darkest corners of the earth toward Him.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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