L.A. Marzulli: Mysterious Drones and the Spiritual Battle for Truth


Author and researcher L.A. Marzulli, known for his work on UFOs, biblical prophecy and the supernatural, recently joined Charisma Media to discuss the rise of mysterious drones spotted across the United States.

These sightings, shrouded in government secrecy and speculation, raise not only national security concerns but also spiritual questions about deception and leadership in the modern age. Marzulli’s insights, coupled with biblical wisdom, reveal a chilling scenario of hidden threats and the pressing need for truth.

“Let’s talk about the drones because this is really catching a lot of people’s attention,” Marzulli began during a recent conversation with Charisma Media. “Anytime there’s something up in the sky and we don’t know what it is, I mean, this is technically a UFO. It’s unidentified.” While some speculate about extraterrestrial origins, Marzulli posits a more terrestrial and nefarious explanation: “I think the drones could be sniffers—they’re flying looking for spikes in radioactivity. If they find a spike, they send in ground forces.”

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According to Marzulli, these drones may be part of an operation to locate so-called “suitcase nukes,” small-scale nuclear devices potentially smuggled into the country. While he does not provide direct evidence for this claim, he references historical reports of such weapons being sold on the black market following the collapse of the Soviet Union.

He elaborates, “When the former Soviet Union collapsed, scientists sold these suitcase nukes on the black market. Terrorist organizations could have bought them and planted them in U.S. cities.” He warns, “If one goes off, it changes everything. Now we’re looking at martial law, quarantines and the complete shutdown of society.”

The implications of such scenarios are profound, both physically and spiritually. On a physical level, the deployment of drones hints at sophisticated measures taken to counter potential threats, such as tracking radioactive signatures. These actions show the precarious balance between national security and public transparency. Spiritually, the use of secrecy and fear as tools of control aligns with biblical warnings about deception in the end times. This dual manifestation reveals a deeper struggle—one that challenges individuals to discern truth amid pervasive uncertainty. Marzulli argues that the government’s lack of transparency exacerbates public distrust. “The military knows exactly what they’re looking at; otherwise, these things would be blown out of the sky,” he said. “Why aren’t they being straight with the American people? If you told people the truth, it would create mass panic.”

Order L.A. Marzulli’s book “Rungs of Disclosure” on Amazon.com!

The apostle Paul cautioned in 2 Thessalonians 2:11, “Therefore God shall send them a strong delusion, that they should believe the lie.” Marzulli believes this delusion is part of the “coming great deception” involving UFO phenomena and interdimensional entities [demons and fallen angels] masquerading as “space brothers.” He said, “These are not extraterrestrials. They are interdimensional entities with a nefarious agenda.”

Deceptive leadership is nothing new, but Scripture repeatedly warns against it. Proverbs 29:12 states, “If a ruler listens to lies, all his servants are wicked.” When governments operate in secrecy, failing to address concerns openly, they pave the way for panic and deception to flourish. Marzulli shows the dire need for leaders to govern transparently and truthfully, fostering trust rather than fear.

Marzulli also connects these events to prophetic signs, pointing out that the increase in UFO activity since Israel’s rebirth as a nation in 1948 signals a fulfillment of biblical prophecy. He emphasizes that this timeline aligns with a broader spiritual awakening and a heightened clash between divine purposes and deceptive forces. “When Israel becomes a nation in 1948, the entire UFO phenomenon takes off,” he said. “The enemy [Satan] knows he’s in the window of time where this is it. These events could trigger the greatest climate of fear humanity has ever experienced.”

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As these drones continue to patrol the skies over states such as New Jersey, questions remain: Are they monitoring threats to our safety, or are they harbingers of something far more sinister? While Marzulli acknowledges he doesn’t have “intel” from official sources, his observations are rooted in critical thinking and spiritual discernment. “I’m just looking at what I’m seeing and applying critical thinking,” he said. “If these were hostiles, the government would be blasting these things out of the air.”

In times of uncertainty, the Bible offers a guiding principle: “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). The church must remain vigilant, discerning between truth and deception in all corners of society. As Marzulli aptly puts it, “UFOs are real and not going away. This is the coming great deception.”

If these drones are searching for radioactive threats, they symbolize the larger spiritual battle at play—a battle between truth and lies, light and darkness. As Christians, we must hold our leaders accountable while preparing spiritually for what Marzulli describes as a “very, very strange moment in time.”

The mystery of the drones may remain unsolved for now, but the urgency to seek truth—both earthly and eternal—has never been greater.

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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.


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