Mark Levin: Ancient Wonders Prove Biblical Accuracy


On a recent episode of LevinTV on The Blaze Network, host Mark Levin explores one of the most remarkable archaeological discoveries in modern history.

Joined by leading experts, Levin presents the excavation of the City of David in Jerusalem, where a broken sewage pipe in 2004 led to the unearthing of ancient sites that are central to both Jewish and Christian heritage. The episode focuses on the biblical significance of these discoveries, including the Pool of Siloam and the Pilgrimage Road, and how they affirm Jerusalem’s enduring role as the spiritual capital of the kingdom of Israel.

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Here are just a few of the key discoveries Levin and his guide, Ze’ev Orenstein, encounter in the ancient city of Jerusalem:

  • Pool of Siloam: The Pool of Siloam served as a massive ritual bath used by Jewish pilgrims to purify themselves before ascending to the Temple in Jerusalem. Millions of pilgrims would have used this pool for cleansing before heading up to the Temple Mount.
  • Pilgrimage Road: Archaeologists uncovered the ancient “Biblical Super Highway,” a 2,000-year-old road connecting the Pool of Siloam to the Temple Mount. “This road is not just symbolic,” Orenstein emphasizes. “The likelihood that Jesus Himself walked on these very stones is 100%. He would have gone with all the Jews in Jerusalem…cleansed Himself, and walked up the pilgrimage road.” Lined with shops and market stalls, the road would have been bustling with activity as pilgrims made their way to the temple for religious observances.
  • Artifacts: During the excavation, archaeologists found pottery, ancient coins and black soot—evidence from the Roman destruction of Jerusalem. These artifacts offer a tangible connection to Jerusalem’s storied past and its role in Jewish history. “You have little pieces of black soot… that’s ash from the Roman destruction of Jerusalem in the year 70… remnants of the fires when the Romans destroyed Jerusalem,” Orenstein reveals.
  • Historical Impact: For Levin, the discoveries reaffirm Jerusalem’s status as the eternal capital of the kingdom of Israel. Levin also touched on the controversy surrounding the excavation, noting opposition from groups like Hamas. “This undermines the story they’ve been telling for the last century, that Jews and by extension Christians have no roots, have no heritage in Jerusalem,” Levin says, emphasizing the importance of the city to both faiths.
  • Spiritual Legacy: The excavation has sparked debate about using the Bible as a guide to uncover ancient ruins. Levin and his guests believe the findings strengthen both the Jewish and Christian connection to Jerusalem, reinforcing its status as the spiritual and historical center of their faiths. “The Egyptians are gone. The Babylonians are gone. The Romans are gone. Jerusalem is still standing,” Orenstein says. “The story of Jerusalem, of the Jewish people, is of a people and a place that has been knocked down time and time again.” “And so you can see why the Palestinians want this to stop. Because they want to deny Judaism and Christianity their history,” Levin adds.

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As excavation continues, Levin and his guide Ze’ev hope that the project will further illuminate Jerusalem’s rich history, offering a deeper understanding of its role in shaping the Judeo-Christian tradition.

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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.


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