Michael Brown’s Statement on Allegations: ‘I Ask You to Forgive Me’


Dr. Brown went onto his “The Line of Fire” show to make a public statement regarding recent allegations.

“Since a third-party investigation can drag on for months, I want to speak to you today with transparency about recent stories and allegations in the news,” Brown says. “I want to be transparent, take full ownership of any wrongs done on my part, and ask forgiveness for incidents that took place 23 years ago.”

Brown states that the events happened in the latter portion of 2001 and 2002 in what he calls a “very difficult season of life and ministry.”

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“I’ve lived with the sobering reality that many people follow my teaching and look to my example as Jesus taught in Luke 12:48,” Brown says. “I am accountable to a holy God for the ministry entrusted to me… as a result of recent allegations, many are deeply confused and troubled.”

Brown asserts that he never committed adultery during his marriage, however, he admits to having an emotional tie to another person who was a close friend. Brown says he spoke with another close friend confessing the truth to them, and then went to his wife Nancy and repented.

Brown says he was “eager” to share this with his leadership team and their school, but all spouses in the situation agreed that since adultery had not occurred, the situation would end in private, “sparing” Brown and the other woman’s spouse from any additional shame.

After this, Brown states that he made changes to his schedule and lifestyle, along with going through counseling.

“I am profoundly grateful that our Lord is a forgiving Lord. That He responds to deep, heartfelt repentance. That He does not discard and cast off His children because of their failings when they turn back to Him with all their heart,” Brown says.

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Brown then addressed the topic of “Erin,” who was reported to have had what she considered an uncomfortable relationship with Brown during her time working at his FIRE School of Ministry.

“It is not my purpose here to deny or confirm specific allegations. I’ll leave it to the investigation to uncover the truth. The fact is that an offense remains. And that is what I must address, taking full ownership of my actions and the pain I caused.”

Brown says he recognizes now he did not fully understand how deeply “Erin” was hurt by his actions.

“Please forgive me for my actions which caused you so much pain,” he says. “Had I more clearly understood the result of those actions in 2002, I would have responded very differently. Again, from the heart, I ask you to forgive me. I am truly and deeply sorry.”

Brown also asked for both the larger body of Christ and those who have been involved in his ministry over the years to forgive him as well.

“…forgive me for my failings and poor judgment and any mishandling of these situations during that time 23 years ago. I fell short of the high standards that we set. I disappointed you and I hurt you. Please forgive me.”

Continue to pray for Michael Brown and for all of those involved in this situation.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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