Morning Rundown: 1973 David Wilkerson Prophecy Coming True: Nations Collapsing


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1973 David Wilkerson Prophecy Coming True: Nations Collapsing

An obsession with green energy has the German economy on the brink of collapse. Germany has foolishly been chasing a dream of achieving net greenhouse gas neutrality by 2045, and this has taken a very heavy toll on the German economy. German GDP contracted in 2023, and it appears that it will contract again in 2024. The manufacturing sector is dealing with the greatest crisis that it has faced since the 1940s, the big banks are struggling and the coalition that was running the government has collapsed.

Did David Wilkerson see what was going to happen all the way back in the 1970s?

Something that Steve Quayle posted the other day got me thinking, and so I decided to look into it. In Wilkerson’s book entitled “The Vision,” he stated that he was shown “economic confusion striking Europe first” during a period of great economic turmoil for the whole world. In a subsequent sermon, he was even more specific. In fact, in that sermon he specifically stated that the collapse that he saw would “start in Germany.”

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The Man in the Red Hat Prophecy Revealed

Did a secular prophecy about a man in a red hat come to fruition?

Back in 1972, a Hopi Native American spiritual elder predicted that there would be a rise of a man in a red hat, alone with other future predictions about what would be coming for people in the years to follow.

“They will be very intelligent people. They’re going to produce many inventions,” the spiritual elder said. “They’re going to be so powerful that they’re going to use that to shake us up real hard, and they’re going to almost destroy themselves. But later, out of a new generation, is going to rise. This time, they will know what to do in the right manner for right purpose.”

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Election 2024: The People Have Spoken

The election is over, and the people have spoken.

First, let us be thankful. We thank God for an election with a clear answer and no controversy over the outcome. We thank God that our democratic institutions held up for a peaceful transition of power. And we are thankful that God spared Donald Trump’s life to give the people a clear choice between the political parties.

Then, let us continue to pray for America. Pray that God will bind up the wounds of the election and help us to forgive opponents and move forward. Pray for a spirit of unity with cooperation between our people and an understanding of shared American values. Let us also pray for those in power, no matter which party, as God instructed us in 1 Timothy 2:2b (NIV), so “that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” Above all, let us pray that government policies will line up with Christian values.

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