Morning Rundown: Back to Basics: Speaking Truth in Love With Pastor Tony Suarez


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Back to Basics: Speaking Truth in Love With Pastor Tony Suarez

There is an active battle taking place in the spiritual realm that is meant to distort and rewrite the Word of God.

Many are being deceived about what the Bible truly says as false teachers and prophets corrupt and twist biblical teachings to fit their personal agendas or ideologies.

Pastor Tony Suarez discussed with Charisma Media the need for Christians to understand the true and inerrant messages held in the pages of the Bible. This way, they are equipped to defend the Word of God from false teachers who seek to lead others astray.

Did This ‘Artist’ Really Top the Christian Music Charts?

Murillo book TurnHave American Christians gotten so open-minded that their brains have fallen out? It was just reported that a drag queen made the top of the Christian music charts.

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Did Christians do this?

No, thank God! It was, in part, a backlash against this tweet by Sean Feucht “If you’re wondering the end goal of the deconstruction movement in the church, then look no further than former worship leader @derekwebb’s new collab with a drag queen. These are truly the last days.”

‘Sound of Freedom’ Nears Astronomical Box Office Mark

The movie Sound of Freedom is very close to making $150 million in total domestic box office revenue.

According to Box Office Mojo, the film garnered $12,409,300 in its fourth weekend of release. As of Sunday, the film’s box office receipts total $148,972,065.

“Throughout our fourth weekend, audiences have continued to show up and support Sound of Freedom, and our theatrical partners have given us ample real estate to meet that continued demand,” said Brandon Purdie, head of Theatrical Distribution at Angel Studios. “We now know that this incredible film is going to surpass the $150 million mark domestically, and we’re strongly positioned to go well past that.” {eoa}

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