Morning Rundown: Chris Reed Makes Statement Following MorningStar Resignation


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Chris Reed Makes Statement Following MorningStar Resignation

Chris Reed released a statement in a newly uploaded video to YouTube about his resignation with MorningStar Ministries.

“Hello friends, family, just come to you tonight in response to regards to a couple of things. No. 1, there seemed to have been some confusion over my departure from MorningStar,” Reed says.

He continues: “My departure from MorningStar was what I said in the letter to the department heads and to the staff and volunteers, which was this: I said I did not want to be leading the ministry that would be in a case against four victims who were abused as children by a former volunteer of the ministry, who is a policeman as well.”

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50 Things Everyone Should Stockpile for Chaotic Times

Are you getting prepared? Right now, millions of Americans are stockpiling food and supplies in anticipation of what they believe is coming. People are on edge due to the approaching election, the rapidly escalating war in the Middle East, the alarming natural disasters that we have been witnessing all around the world, and the potential for another great global pandemic.

In all my years, I have never seen more concern about the next 12 months as I am seeing at this moment. There is a growing consensus that major history changing events are about to happen, and there are lots and lots of people that want to be well prepared. In fact, Newsweek has reported that “doomsday prepping” has become a $2.46 billion industry.

These days, many local supermarkets carry emergency food right on their store shelves, and I think that is a great thing.

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10 Factors in Pulpit Pollution

I was recently with a friend (whom I will leave nameless) who said the reason his city is in a mess is that “the pulpits are polluted!” I immediately began to think and pray about the implications and reasons for such a strong statement. Upon reflection, I found his statement to be true based on conversations I have had with numerous leaders across the globe.

The following are 10 reasons we are experiencing pollution in some pulpits today:

1. The pastor has an unholy union with politicians. In Scripture, we have numerous examples of how religious leaders compromised their faith and obedience to God for the sake of political advantage and access. In Amos 7:12-13, Amaziah, the priest, commanded the prophet Amos to stop prophesying at Bethel because it was the king’s sanctuary and a temple of the kingdom. In 1 Kings 22, we see how all the prophets except Micaiah only prophesied what King Ahab wanted to hear. Also, all the chief priests conspired to put Jesus to death when they said they had no king but Caesar, thereby aligning themselves with the Roman emperor over the Lord of the universe (John 19:15).

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