Morning Rundown: Chris Reed to Launch New Church


Here’s a quick rundown of the stories on

Chris Reed to Launch New Church

Chris Reed is set to launch a new church following his departure from MorningStar Ministries.

In a post from Reed, he announced the South Carolina church that would be coming soon.

“York County, SC. (Near Charlotte) Coming Soon! Very soon. How this came together was/is a miracle,” the post read. “‘Do not despise the day of small beginnings…’ It’s been said ‘every move of God starts in a manger and dies in a cathedral.’”

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Pastor Says His Favorite Curse Word Is a ‘Prayer’

Tullian Tchividjian, the pastor of The Sanctuary in Jupiter, Florida, and grandson of the late Billy Graham, told his congregation which cuss word is his favorite.

ChurchLeaders reported how Tchividjian told his congregation which cuss word is his favorite, which he says is a “prayer” to God.

Speaking on Exodus 20:1-7, which is about the Ten Commandments, Tchividjian said that the command not to take God’s name in vain is a difficult one to follow.

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Lisa Bevere Reveals ‘The Attack of a Dragon’ in America

Our nation has never been under such a spiritual attack as it is today. One of the biggest facets of this spiritual battle is the enemy’s tactic against males and females, the image in which each of us was created to reflect God and His glory.

In an interview with Charisma Media, Lisa Bevere discussed why the enemy is pressing so hard into this area to destroy our culture.

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