Morning Rundown: Chris Reed to MorningStar: ‘Thank You for the Good Times’


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Chris Reed to MorningStar: ‘Thank You for the Good Times’

Chris Reed continues to speak about his time at MorningStar Ministries, this time, giving a show of appreciation for all of those that he worked with and ministered to during his time as the CEO and president of the ministry.

Reed began his message by apologizing to all those who may be hurting in the middle of this storm.

“I just want to say to all you who are hurting or confused or sad I’m sorry for all of those things that you’re feeling. To the victims, I’m deeply sorry, I really am,” Reed says.

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Max Lucado Shares Latest News and Updates on Gateway Church

In an exclusive interview with Charisma Media, author and minister Max Lucado gave an update on Gateway Church after taking on a interim pastoral role with the megachurch as they seek a new, permanent pastor following the resignation of Robert Morris earlier this summer.

Lucado has been a guest speaker with Gateway over the years, and has become acquainted with some of the elders and staff members at the church.

“My heart was broken like everyone else’s heart’s were broken at the revelation of the scandal that came to light,” Lucado says. “I immediately reached out to the people I know at Gateway who are members and expressed my love and prayers for them.”

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Isaiah Saldivar Uncovers the Sinister Side of CoComelon

Is there something sinister behind the world’s most popular children’s show?

CoComelon has become the most popular children’s show of this generation. However, it is known for becoming incredibly addicting for the children who watch it. Why is this so, and could there be more to this story than what meets the eye?

In a reaction video, Isaiah Saldivar shared how this kids content has triggered all kinds of negative behaviors within its viewers.

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