Kent Christmas

Morning Rundown: Kent Christmas’ Prophetic Warning to the Lukewarm Church


Here’s a quick summary of the top stories on

Kent Christmas’ Prophetic Warning to the Lukewarm Church

In a recent video, Kent Christmas shared a prophetic warning to the lukewarm church and the leaders who fall into this category.

“Know this, saith the Lord, the ears of men are going to begin to tingle at the sound of the reports that’s going to begin to come forth, not just out of this nation, but I am shaking the earth now,” Christmas said.

Christmas prophesied that the Lord is getting ready to show the world who He is through His justice and righteousness, and one of the ways He is going to do that is by dealing with arrogance and the lukewarm leaders who have not followed the Lord the way He commands.

Emma Stark Reveals the Signs of a True Prophet

In an interview with Charisma News, Emma Stark unveiled the purpose of the prophet and how to tell if they are being honest or if they are only telling someone something they want to hear.

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The first thing she points out is that most people don’t go in with the intention to lead people down the wrong path. Unfortunately, not everyone fully understands what the position of the prophet really is.

“Nobody wakes up in the morning and thinks, ‘how can I get things wrong today?'” Stark said. “First of all, we have got to have some very honest conversations about what a prophet is, and what a prophet is not.”

Fired Employee Claiming Persecution Over Biblical Beliefs

A former Best Buy employee, Enis Sujak, is preparing to take legal action against the retail giant, alleging that he was unjustly terminated for expressing his deeply held biblical views on sexuality.

This incident is yet another flashpoint in the ongoing debate over religious freedom and the increasing challenges faced by Christians in the United States.

Sujak, a Serbian immigrant residing in Jacksonville, Florida, had been a member of the Geek Squad at a local Best Buy until September 1 when he was reportedly dismissed for voicing his concerns regarding a mandatory training video on LGBTQ history. {eoa}

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