Morning Rundown: Why Have Witchcraft, Horoscopes and the Occult Become All the Rage in Our Culture?


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Why Have Witchcraft, Horoscopes and the Occult Become All the Rage in Our Culture?

With horoscopes, witchcraft and the occult seemingly increasing in their presence and prevalence, some might wonder why these practices—traditions the Bible condemns—are ever-present.

Jareb and Petra Knott, coauthors of the book “The Science of Deliverance: How Spiritual Freedom Brings Physical Healing,” operate a deliverance ministry to help set people free from demonic influence. Petra explained why she believes so many people today are turning to the occult.

“The fascination with evil in society right now—we have a huge interest in the supernatural and people don’t know where to turn to learn about that,” she said. “So, they’re turning to the wrong side.”

Stephen Strang: We Must Support Strong Christians like Scotty Moore Running for Congress

It is a perilous time that we are living in right now across America. With “cancel culture” running rampant, anyone who is vocal about Christian beliefs is called out and labeled as crazy or fascist. You probably know I believe that so strongly, that in 2021 I wrote “God and Cancel Culture” which you can buy here.

As the midterms approach we must urge our friends to vote. Many Christians are passive when it comes to voting, thinking their vote won’t make a difference. Or they think politics is dirty and don’t want to be involved.

This must change. Thankfully, Christians are running for office and they need our support. A relatively few extremists have taken over our government and we have a chance to take it back on November 8, only five weeks away.

Controversial Pastor John MacArthur Slams California Governor for ‘Unholy View of Morality’

Pastor John MacArthur of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, delivered a scathing open letter to California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) this week, accusing the leader of “rewarding evildoers and punishing the righteous.”

The Sept. 29 missive, seemingly sparked by Newsom’s decision to place pro-abortion billboards in conservative states, takes aim, among other grievances, at the liberal governor’s use of the Bible on those placards.

As Charisma News recently reported, Newsom employed Jesus’ words in Mark 12:31, placing the following message on billboards advertising abortion in at least two states: “Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no greater commandment than these.” {eoa}


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