Nurse Whistleblower Warns of the Spiritual Warfare Being Fought for Our Children


Vanessa Sivadge, a nurse formerly with Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston, Texas, is sounding the alarm, again, about the dangers children are facing at the hands of the medical establishment.

For years now, doctors and nursing staff have been bringing in massive amounts of money from gender-affirming care for minors, aka child mutilation and sterilization.

After exposing TCH and the Medicaid fraud that was being committed in the name of these procedures on minors, Sivadge was fired and exposed as a whistleblower, and even received a visit from the federal government.

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This all occurred after her request for a transfer on religious grounds was denied.

In a statement to The Christian Post, Sivadge says, “I am a Christian, and my faith is the foundation of everything. That’s the reason why I’ve spoken out as I have.”

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And spoken out she has. In an exclusive report sent to political activist and author Christopher Rufo, she detailed how the FBI sent agents to her house in an attempt to threaten and intimidate her for her role in exposing TCH.

“I never thought that [my identity] would come to light, and that I would be ultimately visited by the federal government, wanting to intimidate me into silence,” she told The Christian Post.

“And so I think that instead of investigating medical institutions and organizations—in my case, a hospital—for wrongdoing and for illegal activity, the federal government was weaponized to come after people exposing crime and whistleblowers like me,” she continued.

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“And so that’s egregious. It’s something I never imagined in a million years would happen to me.”

But this is more than just a culture war taking place, this is a spiritual war according to Sivadge.

“Ephesians 5 says to have nothing to do with the worthless deeds of evil and darkness but instead expose them, and that everything exposed by the light becomes visible,” Sivadge said to CP.

“So that was really the foundation and the motivation for me to do what I’ve done, to speak out like I have. Because we have, I believe, a responsibility as Christians to bring to light what’s been done in the darkness,” she continued.

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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.


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