Oklahoma Teachers Rejecting Bible in Lessons


When Oklahoma Superintendent Ryan Walters issued guidelines for the Bible to be integrated into classroom instruction, he knew he would have an uphill fight on his hands, and he does.

It is being reported that certain educators in the state are refusing the new implementation as the new school year is set to begin.

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In an interview with The Hill, Bixby Public Schools superintendent Rob Miller shows no sign of obeying this new curriculum.

“I suspect that the first thing that will happen is he will target a specific school district or multiple school districts who he believes are not complying with his directive, those school districts will then have to make a choice as to whether to bend [to] his whim or to sue,” Miller says.

“And I can tell you that if Bixby was one of those schools that he selected to come after, we would file a lawsuit.”

Walters has said from the beginning that these are not specific lessons on or about the Bible, but presenting the historical significance of the Bible in U.S. history, since the nation was founded on the values taught within it.

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A statement to this effect was released by Walters’ office reading:

Oklahoma school districts are required by state law to teach the historical significance of the Bible. Superintendent Walters will hold teachers and administrators accountable. Rogue, left-wing activists who refuse can leave Oklahoma and go to California.

School districts across the country have become battlegrounds recently as more states are pushing to have the Bible re-implemented into the education system. Unsurprisingly, teachers unions are staunchly against this move.

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.


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