Pastor Ousted from Chuck Swindoll’s Megachurch for ‘Moral Failure’


An associate pastor from Stonebriar Community Church in Frisco, TX has been ousted after he admitting to church leadership about sin in his life.

WFAAA-TV in the Dallas area reported that Tony Cammarota was fired from his position due to a “moral failure.” Cammarota worked at the church for more than 17 years as a pastor.

In an email announcing Cammarota’s exit, the church said that the former staff member, “confessed to church leadership of a moral failure.

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“He is deeply remorseful but his sin disqualifies him from serving on our staff as a pastor,” the document states.

“And please guard against giving the devil any foothold for more damage to our church through unnecessary speech and speculation. This is a sad day and we don’t want the devil making it worse through any one of us in the days ahead,” it continued.

In a post on X, Watchkeep shared the full email, which details that the decision to let go of Cammarota did not come first without much prayer.

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“After much prayer seeking God’s direction, discussion as leaders, and then talking to Tony we have terminated his employment effective immediately,” the post read.

“While Tony will no longer be employed with us at Stonebriar, please pray with us as we continue demonstrating the grace of Christ to him and his family. They need our help,” it continued.

This departure marks another change for Stonebriar as Swindoll stepped down earlier this year from the church as senior pastor and stepped into the role of Founding Pastor, as well as keeping his spot on the board of elders.

Stonebriar is the latest Dallas-Fort Worth area church to announce heartbreaking news from the step down of a pastor or a scandalous outbreak. From Gateway Church formerly led by Robert Morris, The Potter’s House led by T.D. Jakes and Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship led by Tony Evans, we can see that something spiritual is certainly happening in this area. Continue to pray for all the congregants who are affected by these turbulent times in the church.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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