Pastor’s Wife Charged with Stealing $400k+ from Local Church


Time and again, America is witnessing people put in positions of trust and authority in the Christian church succumb to the temptations of the flesh and dishonor the name of Jesus.

Recently, the wife of a Southern Baptist pastor, Shelley Strickland, was charged with, and confessed to, stealing some $404,000 while working as the financial secretary of the First Baptist Church of War Shoals in South Carolina.

As reported by The Roys Report, “Strickland worked as the financial secretary at First Baptist from 2017-2024.” Her husband pastors First Damascus Baptist Church in nearby Bradley, South Carolina.

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Police report that Strickland’s husband, Pastor Mark Strickland, is not implicated at the moment as there is no evidence to connect him with the crimes committed by his wife.

There is now an in-depth investigation into Strickland’s actions, as she worked as the financial secretary for other local churches, and more charges are expected, to go along with the “breach of trust over $10,000,” charge, which could see her sentenced to up to 10 years in prison, according to police.

Often, when Strickland would pay for personal expenses, she would reimburse herself from church funds using a money transfer app. It is also reported that she sent money via these “cash apps” to her husband and children, potentially implicating them in her crime spree as investigations continue.

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Ware Shoals Police Chief Bryan Louis told The Roys Report “that Strickland is cooperating with police and has been released from custody on $10,000 bond.”

There is a treasure trove of biblical verses which speak against such actions, especially for one who actively works in a church (yet their principles apply to us all), but one particular verse, Proverbs 16:8, sticks out:

Better is a little with righteousness
than great revenues with injustice.

Proverbs 16:8

Strickland is going to learn the hard way that a life of obedience to the Word of God is far greater than one lived through dishonest gain. But her actions shine the light on the corruption that has seeped into the American church and must be rooted out and the church restored through repentance and humility before the Lord.

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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.


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