Prophetic Vision of America’s Future: Chaos, Deep-State Plans and the Final Great Awakening


The battle for America’s soul intensifies. The current power struggle over the reelection of President-elect Donald Trump reveals a larger agenda by Luciferian forces—descendants of the Canaanites and the ancient Babylonians, creators of the “Mystery Babylon” religion.

This system, rooted in the Tower of Babel, reemerges in the book of Revelation as a one-world government, religion and economy. Today, it is repackaged as the “Great Reset” by the World Economic Forum.

At the core of this agenda lies transhumanism. The push for technological advancement masks sinister plans—implanting nanochips to control commerce. These chips, altering human DNA, aim to transform individuals into something nonhuman. This tampering with God’s creation mirrors the days of Noah, when fallen angels corrupted humanity’s genetic integrity.

A Luciferian Agenda for Global Control

The international banking elite, descendants of occultic billionaire families, seek to ignite World War III, which aligns with the prophetic War of Gog and Magog and the Battle of Armageddon. These families, whose wealth spans generations, orchestrated both world wars. Many believe their lineage includes interbreeding between fallen angels and humans, granting them knowledge of advanced technologies and sciences.

The Tower of Babel was more than an architectural marvel; it was a spiritual gateway—”the gates of gods”—through which fallen angels entered our dimension. These same forces provided humanity with forbidden knowledge, as recounted in the time of Noah and the rebellious angels who descended upon Mount Hermon. Their genetic experiments with humans, animals and other species led to God’s judgment in the flood.

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Jesus Christ warned, “As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man” (Matt. 24:37, NIV). This time of unparalleled corruption is upon us. Today’s transhumanist movement, driven by the same fallen forces, seeks to distort God’s creation. Its ultimate aim? To enthrone Lucifer in the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem—a structure ready to be assembled.

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The Great Reset and Spiritual Warfare

The elite behind the Great Reset are modern descendants of ancient Babylon’s god-kings. These rulers, guided by fallen angels, established clandestine networks of secret societies that persist today. Figures like Sir Francis Bacon and Sir John Dee, influential occultists and advisors to Queen Elizabeth I, communicated with fallen angels in the Enochian language, receiving instructions to reclaim America for the British Empire.

Despite these dark forces, God has always raised up spiritual warriors. In Colonial America, Jonathan Edwards sowed seeds of revival, calling entire towns and regions to repentance through the power of the Holy Spirit. Edwards’ prayers and teachings ignited the First Great Awakening, a movement that profoundly shaped America’s spiritual heritage.

Believers today must heed this example. Christ commands us to “occupy until I come” (Luke 19:13, KJV), exercising spiritual authority over the darkness that seeks to engulf our nation. Through intercessory prayer and bold faith, we can call down the power of God to transform lives and territories.

The Coming Revival and Great Awakening

While the enemy’s plans are vast, God’s plans are greater. Even amid the prophesied chaos, God promises a final and unprecedented Great Awakening. This revival hinges on our willingness to partner with Him in prayer, faith and repentance. As Charles Finney, the father of the Second Great Awakening, demonstrated, revival requires both practical and spiritual efforts. Finney’s prayers unleashed God’s power, uprooting demonic strongholds and transforming communities.

The spiritual war we face is multidimensional. As billions stand on the brink of eternal decisions, we must rise to the challenge. The supernatural dunamis power of God can overcome even the darkest forces, just as it did in past awakenings. Through fervent prayer and relentless obedience, we can see deliverance, salvation and miracles sweep across America.

77 Days to Take Back America

In light of this pivotal moment, I am honored to partner with Troy Anderson, Pastor Paul Begley, Dr. Larry Keefauver, “The Return” co-founder Rev. Kevin Jessip and Dr. Bruce Oliver in the 77 Days to Take Back America campaign, encouraging people to pray, fast and repent from Nov. 5-Jan. 20, 2025, Inauguration Day. This campaign, supported by Charisma Media, calls the body of Christ to prayer, repentance and revival, and follows our 40 Days to Save America campaign from Sep. 26-Nov. 5 that saw millions join us in prayer, fasting and repentance, followed by President Trump’s miraculous reelection.

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Troy Anderson and I wrote a number of books together. I had the privilege of writing the foreword to his newest book, “The Trump Code,” and being interviewed extensively in it.

Anderson launched the campaigns with Begley, Jessip, Keefauver, Oliver, Charisma Media and me to rally the body of Christ during this pivotal moment in our nation’s history. This campaign is a call to prayer, repentance and revival—a movement to ignite a final Great Awakening that can transform our nation. 

As Anderson recently shared in Charisma Magazine Online: “I believe that God has extended His hand of mercy to America, but the time is short, and the stakes are high. This campaign is about equipping believers to take a stand, just as Dietrich Bonhoeffer did, and to seek God’s will for our lives and our nation.”

This movement aims to ignite the final Great Awakening—a spiritual force that can transform our nation and push back the darkness.

A Final Call to Action

Do not take America’s temporary peace for granted. It is the prayers of God’s remnant that have held back catastrophic events. We are called to “pray without ceasing,” occupying this land until Christ’s return. As we stand at the crossroads, let us remember our mission: to preach the gospel and prepare the way for the Lord.

Now is the time to rise, to engage in spiritual warfare and to believe in the power of God to heal our land. The explosive power of revival awaits those who dare to trust Him completely.

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Paul McGuire is an internationally recognized prophecy expert, minister, speaker, author of 35 books and host of “The Paul McGuire Report” on BlogTalkRadio, every Monday through Friday from 4-6 p.m. EST. He hosted two seasons of the exciting GOD TV television series “Apocalypse and the End Times.” He was the nationally syndicated radio talk show host for 10 years of the “Paul McGuire Show,” and has been the executive producer of two science fiction films in Hollywood. The History Channel aired a two-hour special with him entitled, “Seven Signs of the Apocalypse” and he was a frequent guest commentator on CNN, Fox News Network and the History Channel. He’s the bestselling coauthor with Troy Anderson of “The Babylon Code” and “Trumpocalypse.” He lives in the Los Angeles area. Find out more at


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