Red Heifer Ceremony Update: What You Need to Know


Are we getting closer to the prophetic red heifer ceremony?

In an exclusive interview with Charisma Media, Byron Stinson gave an update on the red heifer ceremony, and what we need to be on the lookout for next.

Stinson had the privilege of bringing five red heifers from Texas to Jerusalem in hopes that the prophetic ceremony would soon take place, in preparation for the ushering in of the Third Temple.

“In Numbers 19, there’s a law that says you are to bring this red cow, and the red cow is the offering or ceremony of purification. And what you do is you take the ashes of this cow and you mix it with the living water from the Gihon Spring and it brings purification, physically away from death,” Stinson explains. “Everyone’s suffering under death. Anything you can see, touch, smell, anything, it’s death.”

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Stinson points out that Christians have had our sins atoned for by the blood of Christ, and the hope now is that, at the end times, we will see even more of the physical manifestations of God bringing His kingdom to earth.

“There’s a time that comes this physical manifestation that we can actually see, and that’s part of the process of bringing eternal life, [the] return to the Garden of Eden,” Stinson says.

Stinson says that originally they imported five of the red heifers to Israel, and kept them near Gilgal before moving them to Shiloh, having the cows follow the same footsteps as the Tabernacle did in the Old Testament.

“All five of them are there. Two have grown some white or black hairs, and so they’re no longer good for the ceremony, but they’re excellent for breeding,” Stinson says. “So, there’s two of them that have been bred back and there’s still three that are pure [and] could be used for the ceremony.”

The prospects for the priest, or cohen, necessary to complete the ceremony are also looking viable, as there is one young man in particular who appears to meet the requirements to complete the ceremony.

“He is actually practicing, and it’s moving forward,” Stinson says. “There’s…a lot of logistics around it that have to be done in preparation… but it is moving forward.”

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Stinson also gave some insight into the location of where the ceremony will need to be performed.

“The location on the Mount of Olives has to be very precise, it has to be east of the temple where you can view right to where the temple will be built and it has to be at the height of the temple.”

He says that while a piece of land has been secured for the event to occur, there are a few other land options which meet the specific requirements as well.

As the details for the red heifer ceremony continue to be worked out, we must remember the larger picture of what it all symbolizes.

“This red cow is a physical representation of Christ’s spiritual work,” Stinson explains.

“I personally feel like it will at a perfect, perfect time because it gives more glory to God,” he continues. “For me, that perfect time would probably be around Passover.”

While we still await for that perfect timing for the red heifer sacrifice to commence, we can be sure that the Lord will work everything out according to His perfect plan, timing and for His glorious purposes.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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