Rick Joyner’s Statement Following Chris Reed’s MorningStar Exit


Rick Joyner, founder of MorningStar Ministries, released a lengthy statement following the exit of CEO and president, Chris Reed. Reed resigned on Monday, Aug. 26.

In a statement posted to X, Joyner attempted to clear up the chaos and confusion that many may have felt after Reed’s sudden resignation.

“Chris Reed has resigned as president and CEO of MorningStar Ministries. This resignation may seem bizarre and confusing to those who have followed it, and I hope to clear some things up,” Joyner writes.

“This is a serious situation, the type of which I have witnessed several times over the 50-plus years I’ve been in ministry. I have seen it rob people with very powerful gifts of years of effective ministry. This has happened to me, as deception came upon me and cost me more than 10 years of ministry. I saw it cost Bob Jones eight years, and I think it cost Paul Cain his ultimate purpose. It is the most deceptive spirit I’ve ever dealt with, and right now I think Chris Reed is in a battle for his future.”

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Joyner writes that he will express more details later on, and notes how he has seen many Christians led away from their purpose by deception. While some waver and will wander away for good, Joyner says it is those who find their way back to the God-given gifts and purpose they were created for who are ultimately used for even greater good.

“…I never give up on anyone, regardless of how far off they seem to get. Many of the great voices in Scripture and history also experienced this. Not all recovered, but those who did were used in an even greater way.

“Chris has an important calling for this time, and I feel at least partially responsible, understanding this as I do, for not seeing this coming at him. I could have done better helping him resist it. Even so, whether in a short or long time, I am confident Chris will get through this and take his place doing what he is called to do.”

Joyner clarified that this does not mean that being part of MorningStar Ministries costs people their calling as many are placed there for only a season in life. He also elaborated more on the sexual assault case that Reed wrote about in his statement.

“As for the scandal referenced in Chris’ resignation letter, several of the youth at MorningStar were sexually abused by a volunteer worker who was a police officer,” Joyner writes. “This is true. As soon as we heard about it, we called the police, who investigated the complaint and arrested the police officer who subsequently resigned from the Cornelius (North Carolina) Police Department.”

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Joyner states that the former officer is facing charges related to giving minors alcohol and pornography. Joyner says these events did not happen on the MorningStar campus. He also claims that the ministry was cooperative with the investigation, helping to give the victims care. However, Joyner says one family still proceeded to sue MorningStar.

“Overall, we felt that the victims and their families dealt with this with remarkable grace, but one decided to sue us. They alleged many outrageous things about the ministry that are not true. None of the leaders at MorningStar were charged nor were in any way involved in this criminal activity.”

Joyner writes that MorningStar brought in an independent agency to investigate the scenario to determine whether or not any negligence occurred on their end. It was concluded that the ministry had done nothing wrong. Joyner claims that the statements made in the lawsuit are so outlandish that the ministry plans on going to court instead of settling to prove their innocence.

Despite these accusations, Joyner says that what happened to the youth is devastating.

“This being said, we are grieved by what happened to these young men and the hurt this has caused. We have offered to take care of counseling or ministry needed by the families involved.”

Joyner concludes with the hope that God will work all things together for good.

“We must keep in mind that the Lord will always lead us in His triumph, and He causes all things to work for good…”

Pray for MorningStar Ministries, Chris Reed and Rick Joyner in this tumultuous time.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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