Rick Warren Issues Apology: ‘I Wrote Poorly’


Rick Warren has apologized after he had a controversial post on X go viral that suggested Jesus would have been in the middle politically.

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The post, which has since been taken off of Warren’s page, read: “They crucified Jesus with two others — one on each side & Jesus in the middle. The guys on both sides were thieves. If you’re looking for the #realJesus, not a caricature disfigured by partisan motivations, you’ll find him in the middle, not on either side.”

Now, Warren is asking the world to accept his apology for the post.

I apologize. I wrote poorly. I don’t believe Jesus was a centrist. He stands far above it all. “My kingdom is not of this world…” Jn.18:36

Jesus demands our total allegiance as the center of our lives.

While some have thanked Warren on X for his apology, other users have criticized Warren’s apology.

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“The problem was not what you wrote, which you well know. You communicated exactly what you intended to communicate, which was a condemnation of conservative Christians who rightfully understand that God condemns and prohibits abortion, trans ideology and the chemical and surgical mutilation of children,” Sean Davis wrote on X.

Another X user, Kyle McMullen, wrote “Should read, ‘I apologize. I blatantly twisted Scripture to virtue signal to the demonic Left while underhandedly jabbing at younger pastors who are endeavoring to be courageous and faithful to the Word of God.”

Warren’s statement, written poorly or not, has certainly stirred up controversy. In all issues, let’s remember to stay focused first on Christ.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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