Spiritual Firestorm Ahead: Amanda Grace Issues a Prophetic Warning


Are we in a time of coming judgment?

In a prophetic warning of what is coming to both America and the church, Amanda Grace gave a word about the power of justice, and a spiritual fire that we can expect to come during this day and age.

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“I am the Righteous Judge; My rulings are righteous; My actions are just,” Grace prophesies. “Rectification, justice and correction must come from a place of righteousness, not of the flesh.”

This word speaks directly to the state of the church, as scandals, affairs and other issues appear to abound. However, calls for righteousness must be used with wisdom, not for the purpose of tearing other people down.

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“Desiring to burn something to the ground for you may burn your own house in an act of spiritual arson,” she warns. “‘Spiritual arson is occurring,’ says the Lord, ‘And My Word, the water, will put it down in a sobering way. For I am a God of order. I hate lawlessness. I am calling order in this hour. Truth and order.”

Grace then describes how a “shuffling” of sorts is about to come to the church.

“For I, the Lord, will make the picture clear,” she prophesies. “Not those with an angle, a very crooked angle. That is not of Me. And I, the Lord, will drop that plumb line in the church.

“Watch and see, says the Lord. “There is about to be a shuffle, and a sobering truth will come forth.”

This word acts as a warning to the church. We must look at every situation with wisdom from and truth that can only be found in the Word of God, not acting on emotionalism alone. If we want to be a righteous church and a righteous nation, we must not act only on our feelings, but stick close to Scriptural truths.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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