The Next Few Days are Crucial to Israel’s Prophetic Timeline


The month of Av is of major prophetic importance for the Jewish people, and specifically the ninth of Av has historically been a day of destruction for the Jewish people. Now, as the ninth of Av is about to fall on Monday night through Tuesday while Israel is also in the middle of chaos and turmoil, there couldn’t be a more critical time to understand what this day is and how it may affect the Jewish people this year.

Glory of Zion International’s Robert Heidler went through the timeline of all the times when the ninth of Av brought mourning and tears to Israel.

“It’s the month associated with the tribe of Simeon. The Jews call Av the time of the dire straits,” Heidler says. “The Jews consider Av to be a month associated with a curse.”

Heidler points out that some of the biggest, most colossal problems have occurred on of this day.

“Ninth of Av 587 B.C., the armies of Babylon destroyed Solomon’s temple. The ninth of Av in 70 A.D., the Roman armies destroyed the Second Temple. The ninth of Av, 135, Roman armies put down a Jewish rebellion and destroyed the whole city of Jerusalem,” Heidler says.

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These are some of the biggest events in the history of Israel. We read about the mourning and pain of the Jews when Solomon’s temple was destroyed and they were exiled to Babylon. The prophetic importance of these events, however, doesn’t just stop here.

“Ninth of Av 1095, the first crusade was launched, which resulted in the deaths of thousands of Jews,” says Heidler. “Ninth of Av 1290, all Jews were expelled from England. Ninth of Av 149, all Jews were expelled from Spain.”

It was then on the ninth of Av in 1942 that the Jews were deported from the ghettos of Warsaw and to death camps.

Reaching the 2000s, the ninth of Av of 2005 is when Heidler says that because of the promise of “land for peace,” the Jewish people started being expelled from Gaza.

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Heidler points out that we cannot believe that these events happening all at once on the same day are coincidence. Instead, they are a curse. Now as Israel sees threats and attacks from their enemies this year, it is expected that the ninth of Av just may be another day of dark and tumultuous significance in the coming days.

So, why has Israel historically experienced so much turmoil on this day?

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As Heidler points out, it was when the spies came back to the people of Israel after investigating the Promised Land. Instead of trusting God and entering into the promise, they were afraid of the enemies there.

This distrust of God ended up bringing upon a curse instead of an intended blessing and celebration upon the Israelites.

Now, in our current time, the world is holding its breath as we see if Iran strikes Israel, especially since it is being reported that the U.S. has issued a warning to Iran that they would face serious consequences if they attack Israel for killing a Hamas leader.

Now is the time for us to pray for Israel’s protection and peace in these dire circumstances.  


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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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