This is How to Maintain Your Deliverance


Jesus sacrificed Himself on the cross so that we may be set free and made whole for eternity, and for our lives here on this earth.

In a recent podcast interview, Isaiah Saldivar and Alexander Pagani discussed what it means to be delivered from the bondage of sin and how to stay free.

To pre-order Alexander Pagani’s new book, “The Secrets to Maintaining Your Deliverance,” visit

One of the first things Pagani warns about is making deliverance ministry, or any ministry for that matter, more important than God Himself. Idolatry of deliverance is something in itself that believers must be wary of. He also says now is the moment for fine-tuning the deliverance ministry movement so that it will continue to last and more people will be set free for years to come.

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“Deliverance is not fighting the darkness,” Pagani says, “It’s turning on the light…when we dwell in the light that is preventative maintenance for deliverance. That is submitting to God, resisting the devil and he will flee.”

Pagani and Saldivar also warn against the assumption that everything is demonic. Instead, some things require discipline and correction.

“You’ve got to realize not everything’s a demon,” Saldivar says. “And some things take discipline. So, we might use deliverance as an excuse not to live a disciplined lifestyle, and when we blame everything on a demon and not our own flesh or our own discipline, then we can fall into error.”

One of the key pieces to maintaining deliverance is using the Word of God.

To pre-order Isaiah Saldivar’s new book, “How to Cast Out Demons,” visit

“…there is, for lack of a better term, atomic nuclear power in the Word of God,” Saldivar says. “When you speak forth the Word of God, there is unlimited power, unlimited authority.”

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“One thing that I have found is that when you begin to meditate on the Word and you place a high value on Scripture, and also a high value on prayer…there is preventative deliverance in Scripture by meditating on the Word,” says Pagani.

Saldivar also makes the point that instead of asking questions about what is and isn’t okay for Christians to do, we should be asking whether or not certain actions bring glory to God.

“Let’s change the narrative to ‘Is it holy? Is it set apart?’ Holiness and worldliness are the opposite. Worldliness is what everybody else is doing; holiness is what nobody else is doing,” Saldivar says.

God is calling His saints to be pure and holy. We must remember that he is greater than any demonic power or principality, and it is Him that we are to place above all other things in our lives.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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