Joe Kennedy has been suspended for praying on the 50-yard line.

Atheist Gestapos Working to Remove Christ From All Sports


Atheists are trying to eliminate the free speech of Christian athletes and coaches.

4 WINDS, a sports ministry that stands up for Christian athletes and coaches, believes university and school sports are a target for atheists, as they use the popularity of sports to get their message out as campus leaders at the targeted schools are silent.

“The secular school system is a puppet of atheists even though they claim to be neutral,” says 4 WINDS President Steve McConkey. “Christian free speech is being attacked as most educators are trained at universities that have put God on the shelf and have accepted different forms of Marxism without God. However, many Christian teachers have not bought into the system.”

Bremerton High School in Seattle is on the verge of firing football coach Joe Kennedy for praying at midfield after games, with students joining him. He has done this since 2008.

In August, the Freedom From Religion atheists in Madison, Wisconsin sent warnings to top universities, opposing volunteer Christian activities on their teams. They are setting up potential lawsuits.

During last spring’s March Madness, Freedom From Religion reprimanded top university basketball teams.

In Seattle, some students and teachers cooperated with Satanists in public protests at a football game where Coach Joe Kennedy prayed.

“There is a new phase in the fight for Christian free speech,” states McConkey. “Obviously, there is a spiritual battle over our young adults. Once you oppose Christians on campus, anything becomes acceptable.”

Starting in 2003, McConkey protested the International Olympic Committee for allowing transgenders to compete. During the last few years, he has taken on the International Olympic Committee, US Olympic Committee and the NCAA for their LGBT policies.


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