Chaplains Deploy After Hurricane Isaias Spawns Deadly NC Tornado


While making landfall as a Category 1 hurricane along the South Carolina-North Carolina border on Monday, Hurricane Isaias released 90 mph wind gusts and multiple tornadoes—including a fatal one that hit Bertie County, North Carolina, overnight.

Located in the northeastern part of the state, the county faced a twister that nearly destroyed a mobile home park outside of Windsor. At least two people were killed and others are missing—including children—while more than 20 people have been injured.

Prepared to minister in times of crisis, the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team (RRT) is joining Samaritan’s Purse to offer emotional and spiritual care to locals. A team of crisis-trained chaplains arrived onsite yesterday evening to provide a listening ear and comfort to residents, including those whose homes will be repaired by Samaritan’s Purse volunteers.

According to news reports, more twisters have popped up in Virginia and Maryland, causing 400,000 people to lose power in the storm. As Isaias continues to quickly pass through the Northeast, torrential rain, high winds, flooding and tornadoes are expected from Pennsylvania to Maine.

>> Check out 10 hurricane deployments that Billy Graham chaplains will never forget.

Earlier this year, Billy Graham chaplains deployed to Central Tennessee and the Nashville area after 24 people were killed from a series of twisters. Although the tornado season ended in June, twisters have been known to hit in every month of the year, including during hurricane season. [eoa}

This article © 2020 BGEA


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