Christian Mom Denied Adoption for Biblical Beliefs


The nuclear family is the cornerstone of society.

Designed by God to raise future generations in righteous lifestyles, it has become one of the primary targets of Satan in his attempts to control society and destroy that which God has created.

Recently, a widowed mother of five sought to adopt a pair of siblings in the state of Oregon, only to be denied the opportunity due to her Christian beliefs.

Talking to “Fox and Friends First” on Wednesday, Jessica Bates shared how she was months into the adoption process, only to have the state demand she support gender fluidity and giving children puberty blockers.

“[I] reported to my certifier because they really emphasized the sexual orientation and gender identity training, that you have to support it,” she said. “I emailed her and told her I couldn’t do that because of my faith, and then we had a phone call and, because I wouldn’t take a child for cross-sex hormone injections, I was basically told that I’m ineligible to adopt in the state of Oregon.”

While Oregon is on the forefront of leftist ideology taking over state and local governments, these types of “gender-affirming” policies are making their way across the nation including right-leaning states.

According to Oregon’s Department of Human Services it is required that any potential parents “respect, accept and support… the sexual orientation, gender identity, [and] gender expression” of children. If they do not, they will not be eligible to become adoptive parents.

“It [the state] says that it welcomes people from all cultural and religious backgrounds to adopt unless they disagree with the state’s gender ideology,” says Christina Kiefer, senior counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom. “Barring Jessica and other parents from adopting just because of their religious convictions clearly violates the First Amendment. It’s wrong, and it hurts children who need a forever home…”

This indoctrination is in place to bring up an entire generation who is so confused about their identity that they have no idea they were wonderfully created by God with divine purpose for their lives.

Oregon’s Resource and Adoptive Family (RAFT) agency “urges” parents to “use a child’s preferred pronouns, take a child to affirming events like Pride parades, or sign the child up for dangerous pharmaceutical interventions like puberty blockers and hormone shots.”

Except they do not encourage it, they require it.

If prospective parents do not kneel before the altar of gender identity and transgenderism, then they will not be permitted to participate in this aspect of society.

Nor is this type of discrimination limited to Oregon or the adoption of children in need of a family.

Christians have seen their accounts frozen and closed with no warning or reasons provided by banks such as Chase and Bank of America.

Now, Christians are being prevented from adoption because the Bible does not line up with secular, Marxist and transgender ideologies.

This is the path to controlled purchases through the acquisition of the mark of the beast.

The warnings of the coming persecution are well documented in the Bible.

Are Christians ready to endure those difficulties in America? {eoa}

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.


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