Women's basketball.

Christian School Fights Vermont Exclusion in Religious Freedom Battle


In a bold move, Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), a non-profit organization championing religious freedom, has taken legal action against Vermont officials on behalf of Mid Vermont Christian School (MVCS). The school, facing exclusion from tournaments, raised concerns after forfeiting a girls basketball game against Long Trail High School, which included a transgender student on their roster.

The lawsuit, filed by ADF, contends that MVCS, following its religious beliefs about gender and sexuality, was unjustly barred from future tournaments and expelled from the Vermont Principal’s Association (VPA). This action is cited as an infringement on the school’s right to participate in the state’s tuition program and sports league based on its Christian principles.

The complaint emphasizes that MVCS is enduring irreparable harm due to its exclusion, affecting not only its athletic program but also hindering participation in academic competitions, debates and fairs. The VPA’s stance, according to the suit, stems from the school’s adherence to the belief that biological boys are boys, and it cannot affirm otherwise.

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Chris Goodwin, the coach of MVCS’s girls basketball team, expressed disbelief at the notion of telling his daughter she couldn’t play sports due to religious views. Goodwin affirmed that denying opportunities based on religious beliefs goes against the principles of fair play.

ADF senior counsel Ryan Tucker stated, “Mid Vermont Christian School believes that boys are boys and girls are girls. They have been punished for this belief. No school or parent should have to change their beliefs to participate in athletics or a state tuitioning program.”

This legal action underscores the ongoing struggle for Christians to maintain their convictions in the face of societal shifts. The Bible encourages believers to stand firm in their faith, as seen in 1 Corinthians 16:13: “Watch, stand fast in the faith, be bold like men, and be strong.” Christians in America are called to assert their rights while upholding their beliefs, recognizing that the Constitution safeguards religious freedoms. In doing so, they echo the apostle Paul’s resilience in defending the faith despite opposition. {eoa}

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.


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