Christian TV Host Says He’s Gay


After running two successful seasons on Christian TV, popular youth program The Remix was recently pulled off the air after the show’s 22-year-old host, Azariah Southworth, announced he was gay.

The half-hour reality show, which often featured interviews, cooking and boutique-shopping with members of Christian bands such as Jars of Clay, This Beautiful Republic and Avalon, had been airing nationally on the NRB Network and TBN’s youth network, JCTV.

Both networks did not respond to Charisma’s request for comment.

From Southworth’s point of view, the Bible can be interpreted to conclude that homosexuality is not sinful. He told Charisma he expected things to end the way they did. “I knew that it was going to happen. I know they don’t believe in being gay,” he said. “I understood and respected their decision.”

Though most in the Christian community acknowledge born-again believers can struggle with same-sex attraction, not many believe that the Bible affirms a person’s decision to accept the gay identity or lifestyle.

Alan Chambers, president of the ex-gay ministry Exodus International, said he knows what it’s like to love God and at the same time struggle with sexual identity issues.

“The situation with Azariah is so heartbreaking,” he told Charisma. “It is my hope that the church will reach out with the love of Jesus Christ as well as the truth that God’s design for relationships is above and beyond the world’s counterfeits.”


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