CN Morning Rundown: Lawmakers Demand Answers After National Guard Troop Removal


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Thousands of National Guard Troops Return to Capitol After Forced Removal; Lawmakers Demand Answers

Two weeks prior to Wednesday’s inauguration of President Joe Biden, thousands of National Guard troops deployed to Washington, D.C., to protect the Capitol after the deadly breach of Jan. 6. But after reports of their mistreatment spurred outrage among lawmakers and other government officials, rapid changes took place.

On Thursday, troops were forced to vacate the Capitol for breaks during their 12-hour shifts and move outdoors or into nearby parking garages, Politico reported. Photos of Guard members sleeping together on the ground quickly went viral along with comments decrying the change. “I’ve never in my entire career felt like I’ve been booted onto the curb and told, ‘figure it out on your own,'” tweeted one guardsman.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott responded in outrage before ordering those troops to return to their home state.

A Strong Appeal to Those Who Prophesied Trump’s Reelection

Jan. 20 is past, and Joe Biden, not Donald Trump, is the president of the United States. To all those who prophesied that Trump would serve a second consecutive term and assured us that he would be inaugurated on Jan. 20, I appeal to you in the strongest possible terms: Admit your error, take full responsibility and do not, under any circumstances, continue to put a false hope into the hearts of God’s people.

What you prophesied did not come to pass.

There is not an alternative, spiritual reality in which Trump is still functioning as president.

How to Pray for a President You May Disagree With

I was honored to be part of an assembly of faith leaders who supported, counseled and prayed for former President Donald Trump. As a Christian leader, I feel as though one of the believer’s highest callings—after surrendering to Jesus Christ—is to support and submit to our governing authorities (see Rom. 13:1-7).

Given the invitation and opportunity, I’d gladly do so for our new president, Joe Biden.

I have prayed privately and publicly for American presidents going back to former President Carter. I’ve prayed for presidents I’ve agreed with and presidents I’ve disagreed with. I believe it is what every Christian is called on by God to do. Paul wrote, “I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth” (1 Tim. 2:1-4, NLT).

I intend to do just that for our new president. {eoa}


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