Dinesh D'Souza

Dinesh D’Souza Disputes Resignation Quote From King’s College


The man behind 2016: Obama’s America is taking a fall after a Christian magazine called him out for relations with a woman who is not his wife. Dinesh D’Souza has resigned from his presidency at The King’s College.

Charisma News on Thursday reported that World magazine alleged the evangelical apologist slept in a hotel room with a woman who called his fiance. D’Souza filed for divorce from his wife of 20 years, Dixie, on Oct. 4.

In his defense, D’Souza said he sought out advice about whether it is legal to be engaged prior to being divorced and was informed that it is.

“I had no idea that it is considered wrong in Christian circles to be engaged prior to being divorced, even though in a state of separation and in divorce proceedings,” he wrote. “Obviously I would not have introduced Denise as my fiancé at a Christian apologetics conference if I had thought or known I was doing something wrong. But as a result of all this, and to avoid even the appearance of impropriety, Denise and I have decided to suspend our engagement.”

A press release from The King’s College quoted D’Souza as saying his actions have “not been consistent with the standard of leadership required for the position of president at The King’s College, and have created a distraction that would make it difficult, if not impossible, to continue in my role without adversely affecting the students and school I have grown to love.”  

However, D’Souza said the quote was drafted by a press officer and he did not say or approve it before hand. Officially, D’Souza said he is grateful for the past two years he has spent as president of The King’s College—but now it is time to move on.

“My resignation will enable The King’s College to go forward without distraction,” D’Souza wrote. “And it will also enable me to address personal matters in my life as well as to pursue new opportunities made possible by success of my recent book and film.”


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