The summer IRS audit of Dr. Ben Carson produce no illegalities.

Why Was Dr. Ben Carson Audited After Prayer Breakfast?


Dr. Ben Carson is the latest on the growing list of conservatives targeted by the Internal Revenue Service.

The well-known neurosurgeon told The Washington Times the IRS hit him with an audit just months after his speech at the National Prayer Breakfast in which he talked about the nation’s “moral decay and fiscal irresponsibility” in front of the president.

“I guess it could be a coincidence, but I never had been audited before and never really had any encounters with the IRS,” Carson said. “But it certainly would make one suspicious because we know now the IRS has been used for political purposes and therefore actions like this come under suspicion.”

The tax authority found no wrongdoing following a full audit that stretched from June to August, but Carson said it raised his suspicions about being singled out for his speech.

Tea party groups, the Rev. Franklin Graham and the National Organization for Marriage are also among those who’ve been singled out for special scrutiny by the IRS.


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