Evangelist Franklin Graham Blames ‘The Swamp’ for Last Year’s Capitol Riot


Looking back on the riot at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, evangelist Franklin Graham says he blames “the swamp” for what happened. But he also says the incident “should never have happened.”

America, Graham says, is “collapsing from within” and there is only one true course of action that can save it at this point.

“[Thursday] marks one year since the attack on our nation’s Capitol. Many people may disagree with me, but I blame the swamp. The vast majority of the million or so people who went to Washington that day were patriots who love this country and were there to take a stand for our nation. They represented millions who were fed up with the greed and corruption of politics.

“But those who stormed the Capitol, destroying property, even causing injury and death, were wrong. What they did should have never happened. But if the ‘January 6 Committee’ wants to find the truth about who was behind the attack, they don’t have to look any further than Washington and its corruption.

“We need to pray. This great country is being lost. As we begin 2022, join me in praying for our nation and its leaders.

“We won’t find our hope in politicians. The only true hope is in Almighty God and His Son, Jesus Christ. If we will repent and turn from our sins as a people, He will forgive and bring the healing that only He can.

“But it begins with each individual heart, and that includes you. Have you asked Jesus Christ to forgive you, heal your heart, and be the Lord of your life?” {eoa}

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