Faith on Fire: University of Kentucky Ignites with Powerful Revival
Revival has come to yet another major college campus.
Last night’s (Feb. 12) Unite US movement, which is championed by Jennie Allen, Tonya Prewett and Jonathan Pokluda, saw a swarm of college students at the University of Kentucky come to worship the Lord, with thousands giving their lives over to Jesus, proving the Holy Spirit is moving more each day in this season.
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Unite US shared the news on Instagram about this powerful time of worship, salvation and baptism.
No better way to kick off the semester than nearly 8,000 students gathered in Rupp Arena to lift the name of Jesus.
We’ve been praying for this night for months, and God met us here again. Over 2,000 students flooded the altar to surrender their lives to Jesus, and we know it’s just the beginning of all He has in store.
We ended the night celebrating life change with the coldest water baptisms we’ve ever experienced.
We will never forget Unite Kentucky!
This great news comes after last year’s great moves of God were felt at colleges such as Florida State University, Ohio State, Mississippi State University, Ole Miss, and the University of Tennessee, all following the Asbury Revival of a year earlier from February 2023.
While we continue to see a shift in the culture with many young people now seeking out truth and authenticity, this is perhaps one of the greatest times to be alive with the harvest of God becoming a reality. As we near closer to the return of Christ, pray that as many as possible would receive His loving, open arms, placing their eternal trust in Him.
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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.