Fauci Funded Experiments Torturing Puppies With US Tax Dollars


Dr. Anthony Fauci and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) have been accused of funding cruel and abusive experiments on puppies with taxpayer money—again.

A report from the White Coat Waste Project found that Fauci’s agency, NIAID, used tax dollars to ship puppies to a lab in Tunisia, North Africa in August 2021. Once there, the beagles were drugged and their heads were stuffed in mesh cages filled with infected sand flies.

And White Coat claims there have actually been four Fauci-backed experiments on dogs.

In Sept. 2020, a drug study was carried out at the University of Georgia where puppies were infested with parasite-carrying biting flies.

Then in 2019, dozens of healthy beagle puppies underwent a “cordectomy” for the sake of sickening research. Their vocal cords were cut so scientists didn’t have to hear the puppies crying out in pain. They were then force-fed an experimental drug for several weeks before they were killed and dissected.

In 2016, infectious sand flies fed on beagles for 22 months at a lab in Bethesda, Maryland, before they finally developed poisonous lesions and were ultimately killed by Fauci’s staff.

Now members of the House are demanding an answer from Fauci and the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) sent a letter to Fauci, which was signed by 23 of her Democratic and Republican colleagues, asking for a response to the allegations brought about by the White Coat Waste Project.

“Yesterday, I sent a letter to Dr. Fauci regarding cruel, taxpayer-funded experiments on puppies; debarking before drugging and killing them,” Mace tweeted. “Thankful to my 23 Democrat and Republican colleagues who signed on. This is disgusting. What say you @NIH.”

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) also weighed in.

“I saw several tweets about this and assumed it was metaphorical. Surely Fauci wasn’t literally ‘torturing puppies.’ My assumption was incorrect.” {eoa}

For the rest of this story, visit cbnnews.com.

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