Billy Graham with his son Franklin.

Franklin Graham: The One Thing My Father Would Want You to Know About His Death


Billy Graham’s son, Franklin, says the elder Graham would want the world to know one thing about his death: That heaven is real.

In a statement posted to Facebook, the younger Graham writes: 

Franklin’s post has more than 57,000 shares and 22,000 comments as people rushed to offer their condolences.

“No doubt … Standing in the glory of God!” writes one person.

Another says: “Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Saddened deeply by his loss from our earthly presence yet rejoicing that Rev Graham is in the presence of the Lord and is experiencing unbelievable joy in the presence of the holy angels.”

And another commented:  “Heaven Is Where God Is, ,,,an I’m Surely Going,,,,, God Bless You an ur Entire Family!!!!!!!”


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