Franklin Graham at the Oklahoma City Evangelism Conference

Franklin Graham: The President Defends Islam and Chastises Christians


Franklin Graham is speaking out in the wake of growing backlash against former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s assertion that “Obama doesn’t love America.”

As we previously reported, critics on the left blasted Giuliani for his comments. Giuliani then rebutted in the New York Post, saying Obama has been heavily influenced by “critics of the U.S.” in his early years.

“Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani has taken a lot of heat from the media for his remark that he’s not sure if President Obama really loves America,” Graham said on his Facebook page.

“I don’t know if that’s true or not, but I do know that the president defends Islam and chastises Christians, rebukes our allies and befriends our enemies, and fully supports gay marriages and abortion but denies the religious freedoms of those who don’t agree. Our nation is ridiculed abroad and morally crumbling within. We are in trouble. We have turned our back on God.”

Graham continues his bold stance. That’s why I called for urgent intercession over him last week. Let’s keep praying for this man of God!


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