Franklin Graham

Franklin Graham: US Has Turned Its Back on God


Evangelist Franklin Graham is issuing a wake-up call to America, saying the nation has turned its back on God.

He also warned that President Obama’s agenda will bring the greatest changes to the United States since the Civil War.

“Everybody’s taxes will go up,” Franklin told The Brody File show. “Not at first, but everybody’s taxes are going to go up. It’s just going to get more expensive as you try to pay for Obamacare and all these other things that are out there before us.”

Graham said Christians share part of the blame for the crisis facing the nation.

“God is in control, and if Christians are upset, they need to be upset at themselves,” he said.

“We need to do a better job of getting our people–the church–to vote,” he admonished. “Now, I’m not trying to tell you how to vote. You can vote, but vote, my goodness, and vote for candidates that stand for Biblical values.”

“Our country is in trouble,” he warned. “It’s in trouble spiritually. We’ve turned our back on God.”


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