Pete Buttigieg

Gay Democratic Candidate Pete Buttigieg Tells Mike Pence: ‘Your Quarrel Is With My Creator’


Pete Buttigieg, who is running in the Democratic primary for the 2020 presidential election, proclaimed that God made him gay and his husband helped him grow closer to God.

“People often talk about things like marriage equality as a moral issue,” Buttigieg said during a campaign rally on Sunday. “And it is certainly a moral issue in my personal life. It’s a moral issue because being married to [my husband] Chasten has made me a better human being. It has made me more compassionate, more understanding, more self-aware and more decent. My marriage to Chasten has made me a better man. And yes, Mr. Vice President, it has moved me closer to God.”

Buttigieg was addressing Vice President Mike Pence, who famously believes that marriage is a God-ordained institution between a man and a woman, and other conservative Christians who hold to the same biblical values.

“That’s the thing that I wish the Mike Pences of the world would understand. … That if you have a problem with who I am, your problem is not with me. Your quarrel, sir, is with my Creator,” Buttigieg said.

Buttigieg is the mayor of South Bend, Indiana.

Buttigieg also called out conservative Christians for standing by President Donald Trump.

“It’s something that really frustrates me because the hypocrisy is unbelievable,” he told Meet The Press.

Cultural commentator Dr. Michael Brown addressed Buttigieg’s own hypocrisy in a recent blog:

More importantly, though, Buttigieg is certainly guilty of the very hypocrisy which Jesus clearly rebukes in Matthew 7, saying, “Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank that is in your own eye? Or how will you say to your brother, ‘Let me pull the speck out of your eye,’ when a log is in your own eye? You hypocrite! First take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.” (Matt 7:3-5).

First, Buttigieg says that one of his favorite verses in the Bible is where Jesus says, “As you have done it for one of the least of these … you have done it for Me” (see Matt. 25:31-46). Yet Buttigieg claims that when it comes to abortion, “Jesus never mentioned the issue.”

So, for Buttigieg, whose platform is thoroughly to the left, innocent, helpless, babies in the womb are not included in the “least of these,” yet illegal immigrants are.

In fact, not only is he “openly pro-choice,” but when it comes to late-term abortion, he will make no official comment, saying only this: “when a woman is in that situation … extremely difficult, painful, often medically serious situations where life or health of the mother is at stake, involvement of a male government official like me is not helpful.”

So much for caring for “the least of these.”

Yet when Trump and Pence take strong pro-life stands, Buttigieg deems this hypocritical. (He also criticizes Pence as a “cheerleader of the porn-star presidency.” Not too judgmental, eh?)

Second, as an out-and-proud gay man, Buttigieg must discard the entire testimony of Scripture, since every single reference to homosexual practice in the Bible is condemnatory, without a single positive, homosexual-affirming statement of any kind. (Let me be quick to add, however, that grace, mercy and forgiveness are offered to all alike through the cross.)

It would be one thing if Buttigieg said, “I struggle with same-sex attractions, but as a committed Christian, I do not affirm these desires, act on them or celebrate them.” That would be highly commendable.

Instead, he wants everyone to see that “our marriages are just as good as theirs,” even if that means rewriting the Bible and throwing out almost 2,000 years of virtually unanimous teaching on the subject through all branches of Christianity. After all, love wins, and love is love, right?

Because of his sexuality, Buttigieg has emerged as a leading voice of the Christian left.

According to USA Today:

Jack Jacobson, an openly-gay member of the D.C. State Board of Education who attended the Victory Fund brunch, said Buttigieg’s openness about his faith is part of what makes him an authentic candidate.

“He talked about God in a room that’s probably full of atheists. That’s what I am,” Jacobson said. “He does it unabashedly and in a way that doesn’t come across as threatening, dismissive or negative.”

Heather Trout, 43, who lives with her wife in a rural county in Virginia, said Buttigieg’s faith is one reason she’s contributed to his campaign.

“I’m really very excited about hearing a voice from the Christian left,” she said before Buttigieg spoke. “I think that’s a voice not used in the Democratic Party for too long.”

Likewise, Brian Tyler, said he knew he had to come to the brunch when he found out Buttigieg was coming.

“I’m a big fan,” said Tyler, 24, a logistics coordinator. “Republicans don’t have a monopoly on faith.”

But, as Brown pointed out, embracing homosexuality irrevocably violates the word of God.

As for the possibility of a true follower of Jesus practicing homosexuality, Paul addresses this head-on:

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor male prostitutes, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. Such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, and you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus by the Spirit of our God (1 Cor. 6:9-11).

So says the Word of God.

Again, my issue is not with questioning President Trump’s Christianity. Let God be the judge, and let each of us examine our own lives.

My issue is with a pro-abortion, practicing homosexual who claims to be Christian calling out Trump’s alleged “hypocrisy.”

That, indeed, is the height of hypocrisy, and there is nothing Christian about it.

Listen to the podcast to hear testimonies of those who have left homosexuality.


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