Group to Distribute 100,000 Bibles to US Troops in 100 Days


The Operation Worship Bible campaign, which launched June 1, endeavors to put 100,000 special edition Operation Worship Bibles along with a personalized note of encouragement in the hands of troops around the world in 100 days.

“What better impact can you have on a soldier than to provide them with the Word of God,” said Jeff Hilliard, co-founder of Open Window Foundation and Operation Worship, a ministry focused on aiding the U.S. military. “No matter how we feel about the war, our soldiers need our support.”

The New Living Translation Bible published by Tyndale House Publishers will be sold at any Christian bookstore within the Christian Booksellers Association (CBA).

Participants are encouraged to write an inspirational message inside the Bible. Then return it the store and Operation Worship will ship the Bibles to soldiers.

“An Operation Worship Bible containing a personalized message offers tangible opportunities to let those who serve us in the military know we are praying for them and that they are not forgotten,” said Blaine Smith, associate publisher, Tyndale House Publishers.

Campaign organizers in conjunction with K-LOVE Radio Network plan to do a nationwide promotion on Independence Day weekend with 100 on-air giveaways and Internet spots reaching nearly 2 million people.

“Let’s join together … to share the truth of the gospel with the men and women protecting our right to distribute God’s Word,” said Bill Anderson, president of the CBA.


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