High School Girls Punished, Objected to Biological Male in Locker Room


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The fight for equality continues for today’s young women in America.

They have had their world of sports invaded by men claiming to be women, and are suffering the consequences. Countless records and opportunities have been stolen from these young women and many in the world of academia are trying to silence the women who are speaking out.

Now, young women in Vermont are being banned from their own locker room.

The Randolph Union High School girls volleyball team filed a complaint about having to change with a biological male in their locker room. They claim the male student, who identifies as transgender, made an “inappropriate remark” to them while in the locker room.

Upon filing the report, the girls were told that it is state law in Vermont for all students to change based on their gender identity, not their biological sex. Vermont Agency of Education policy specifically states that a “transgender student should not be required to use a locker room or restroom that conflicts with the student’s gender identity.”

The school also launched an investigation into the possibility of the biologically male student being bullied due to the claim of being transgender.

After filing the complaint, the girls are no longer allowed to change in the locker room, but have to wait and use a one-person stall to change clothes and get ready for events.

One player, Blake Allen, has stood up to this harassment of young women.

“There are biological boys that go into the girl’s bathroom, but never a locker room,” Allen says.

“My mom wants me to do this interview to try to make a change,” she says. “I feel like for stating my opinion—that I don’t want a biological man changing with me—that I should not have harassment charges or bullying charges. They should all be dropped.

“They want all the girls who feel uncomfortable to get changed in a single-stall bathroom, which would take over 30 minutes,” she claims. “Where, if one person got changed separately, it would take a minute, like no extra time.”

These attacks on young women have been ramping up in recent years.

Most notably, Lia Thomas, born William “Will” Thomas, a swimmer from the University of Pennsylvania who set multiple NCAA records. Thomas did not set those records during the three years of swimming for the men’s team, but after switching to the women’s team with a fully developed male body.

This rash of men disrupting women’s freedom of competition in sport is only growing across the world. From rugby in Australia to MMA, swimming and wrestling in the United States, the principles of freedom that this country was founded on are being replaced with authoritarian control. True freedom is found in Christ. The United States, while imperfect, was founded on those principles. It has also fought for the freedom of the oppressed over its relatively short existence, such as fighting a civil war to end slavery and the recognition of women as equal to men under the law.

These days, freedom is being restricted and fair play done away with in the name of tolerance. This viewpoint is not echoed in the Bible, as Christians are not called to be tolerant of sin, but vigilant against the schemes of the devil. {eoa}

James Lasher is a Copy Editor for Charisma Media.


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