‘Mapping Project’ Targets Israel Supporters in Massachusetts


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The recent release of a digital map displaying ‘supporters of Zionism’ have the Jewish community rattled, and for good reason.

A group of anonymous ‘activists’ have recently release what they call the “Mapping Project.” They describe themselves as “…multi-generational collective of activists and organizers on the land of the Massachusett, Pawtucket, Naumkeag and other tribal nations (Boston, Cambridge and surrounding areas).”

This anti-imperialist mantra transforms itself into an argument that Israel, which they refuse to acknowledge and call the land Palestine (the name comes from the Roman province Syria-Palaestina), are imperialist colonizers in their own land.

The irony of using the name that the European conquerors from Rome used to identify the land appears to be lost on the group.

Their website claims that the interactive map “illustrates some ways in which institutional support for the colonization of Palestine is structurally tied to policing and systemic white supremacy here where we live, and to US imperialist projects in other countries.”

The map itself consists of mostly police stations in the eastern portion of Massachusetts. There are several civilian organizations within it as well, and these are what is causing concern within the Jewish community.

Another cause for concern, and possible litigation against the website, are the veiled threats posted on the website stating, “Our goal in pursuing this collective mapping was to reveal the local entities and networks that enact devastation, so we can dismantle them. Every entity has an address, every network can be disrupted.”

While the interactive map itself is underwhelming in its design, the locations within the Jewish community it targets shed light on the nature of this project. Some of the Jewish organizations listed include a high school, the Israel Summit at Harvard and the Synagogue Council of Massachusetts. The posting of a high school raises many red flags, especially in light of the recent history of high schools being popular targets for terrorist attacks.

The group does not state how they would plan to disrupt a high school filled with Jewish teachers and students, but the veiled threat implies direct action of some sort.

The website is drawing condemnation from many prominent Jewish organizations, condemning the site for making organizations and schools within Massachusetts targets for extremists.

The American Jewish Committee’s regional director, Rob Leikind, spoke with CBN News explaining the feelings of many Jews upon hearing the news of this website, “There’s tremendous anxiety in the Jewish community,” Leikind says. “This is a moment where people feel like things have changed.”

According to the Anti-Defamation League, targeting, assault and harassment of Jews has been on the rise in recent years. In 2021 it recorded 2,717 attacks, the highest amount since 1979 when they began keeping records of the incidents.

This increase in anti-Semitism has Leikind reflecting on the past, knowing that what has come before can happen again if people are not vigilant against such atrocities, “The anti-Semitism which after the Holocaust was kind of an obscenity, today is becoming normalized again. That people who have those ideas, who kept them to themselves now feel increasingly comfortable expressing them,” he says.

Christians and Jews alike are targeted by nefarious forces for their relationship to God. The Jewish community has been under constant assault since the Abrahamic Covenant was established, and there is evil in the world that wants to see them wiped out.

This ‘mapping project’ provides those with malevolent intent toward the Jewish community, which the creators themselves show on the website, valuable information to further their goals of causing harm to God’s people.

The constant dehumanizing of the Jewish community must come to an end, and the Christian community has the opportunity to join with their Jewish brothers and sisters in combatting this hatred. {eoa}

James Lasher is a Copy Editor for Charisma Media.

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