How Predators Are Targeting You and Your Children Right Now


As a prosecutor against human trafficking for the Georgia attorney general’s office, Camila Zolfaghari saw firsthand what happens when evil goes unchecked.

“You have to rely on God for strength,” Zolfaghari tells Charisma News in “The Truth About Human Trafficking” podcast series. “If He has called you into a job or profession that means you see the dark side of the world constantly, you have to really rely on His grace to get you through and to teach you how to set your mind on whatever is true, whatever is lovely, whatever is noble and of good report.”

Zolfaghari is the vice president of policy at Street Grace, a faith-based organization mobilizing faith, business and community leaders to end the sexual trafficking of children throughout the U.S. through awareness, education and action.

“Our trafficking victims tend to be some of the most horrific situations and stories because traffickers purposely prey on the most vulnerable, and that means they are normally recruiting, enticing, preying upon those who have already been abused as children when they were still in their homes,” Zolfaghari says.

How are traffickers recruiting children? Could your teen be in danger because of the apps they use? What about all these social media campaigns; do they actually work? Zolfaghari answers these questions and more in the podcast. Take a listen.

Read more from “The Truth About Human Trafficking”:

She Was Abused as a Child; Now She’s an Ordained Minister Who Runs a Haven for Prostitutes, Addicts and Trafficking Victims

Trafficking Survivor Shares What Holy Spirit Told Her While Buyer Negotiated Price for Her Virginity

You can also click here for other episodes.


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