‘I Was Looking at None Other Than Jesus Christ’: Near-Death Experience Puts Man Face to Face With God


Jim Woodford had no interest in God until he experienced God’s miraculous power in our modern world. He was on life support when he received a major wake-up call.

“All the things that I thought were just some crazy, old legend. It’s real. It’s a dimension that exists. Something far beyond anything I could have ever imagined was happening to me,” says Jim.

An ambitious, self-made man, Jim earned the nickname “Diamond Jim.” He was focused on providing a life of luxury for his family.

According to his wife, Lorraine, “Nothing was too big of a problem. He could fix it.”

Jim says, “I thought that that was my way of showing her how much I loved her, and cared for our family, was by providing everything that I could.”

But Lorraine, a Christian, prayed for something more.

Specifically, she prayed, “God, please change his heart. Bring him to know Jesus Christ and just make a change in him and deal with this materialistic way.”

Over the years, the money and materialism had started to consume Jim, as he pulled away from his family.

Click here to read the rest of this story from our content partners at CBN News.


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