The church is called to be a program of saving of souls.

Is America Ripe for God’s Judgment?


Kansas and Oklahoma made headlines—and history—recently by becoming the first states in the nation to ban dismemberment abortions, second-trimester abortions in which unborn babies are torn limb from limb while in utero. The living babies may survive for at time during the gruesome procedure and bleed to death as they are being dismembered.

And bills recently approved by lawmakers in Tennessee would require that abortion clinics be licensed as surgical centers and that women wait 48 hours after counseling before undergoing an abortion. Gov. Bill Haslam is expected to sign both bills into law.

As more and more states take steps to protect unborn life, religion and culture expert Dr. Alex McFarland says only when this ‘first right’ is protected are other rights safe.

“The very first God-given right outlined in our Declaration of Independence is the right to life,” McFarland said. “For more than 40 years, the United States has legally denied this right to millions of unborn babies. And by doing so, our nation has also denied these babies every other right Americans enjoy—they have no liberty, no opportunity to pursue happiness. 

“A nation that counts life cheap is not a nation of liberty, opportunity or justice for all, and we deceive ourselves to think differently. When the most defenseless among us are daily slaughtered by the thousands on the altar of choice, we have become a nation not of freedom but of utter depravity.”

McFarland addresses abortion in his book, 10 Issues that Divide Christians, in which he writes:

“If individual human rights (such as the right to life) exist, what is their source? Do our rights come from the government? From the culture surrounding us? America’s founders (and subsequent thinkers such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.) pointed out that rights come from God. America was unique in its founding premise that the role of government was not to grant rights but to protect the rights conferred on man by his Maker.

“Freedoms can be protected or infringed upon, but government cannot truly give them or take them; human rights are from God. Certainly the most basic of these is the right to life.”

Those who advocate abortion often deny the personhood of the unborn, but science is not on their side. Before the end of the first trimester of pregnancy—which is before the dismemberment abortions recently banned—the unborn child has every organ system in place, a beating heard, and brain waves, as reported by the National Right to Life.

The website shares statements by abortion providers and former abortion providers regarding the humanity of the unborn. One abortion provider was quoted as saying, “Of course we know it’s killing, but the state permits killing in certain circumstances.”

Another, describing in sworn testimony dismembering unborn babies, noted that limbs are regularly torn from alive unborn babies: “It’s not unusual at the start of D&E (Dilation and Evacuation) procedures that a limb is acquired first and that that limb is brought through the cervix … prior to disarticulation and prior to anything having been done that would have caused the fetal demise up to that point.”

“The fact that such barbarity is not only legal but celebrated in America should bring us to our knees in repentance,” McFarland said. “Thomas Jefferson, a slaveholder, actually wrote regarding the injustice of slavery, ‘Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep forever.’  Like Jefferson, I tremble for my country, because God’s justice will not sleep forever. Our nation’s legal holocaust against the unborn has already begun to call down God’s judgement on our nation, and we are foolish to believe we will escape his justice if we continue to slaughter the innocent.”

Pockets of true revival are breaking out across America. Want to know more about the next great move of God? Click here to see Jennifer LeClaire’s new book, featuring Dutch Sheets, Reinhard Bonnke, Jonathan Cahn, Billy Graham and others. 


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