Joel Osteen

Joel Osteen Hecklers Slapped With Criminal Charges After Verbal Assaults


Six men who heckled Joel Osteen have been arrested and slapped with criminal charges.

The hecklers were arrested, according to World Religion News, and charged with criminal trespassing for their verbal assaults on the megachurch pastor. 

Earlier this week, a video was posted online showing one man yelling, “Joel Osteen, you’re a liar!” Charisma News previously reported. After he was escorted out, five others began to yell and harass Osteen while he preached. 

The six men are members of the Church of Wells.

One of those arrested, church elder Jacob Gardner released the following statement to a Texas news station

“The seven of us involved in the effort to warn Lakewood Church of the coming judgment, are all of one mind in regards to the message that each of us were proclaiming this past Sunday. Most of the small substance of what has been reported of the phrases that were spoken by us are accurate, but they are by no means the complete burden that flooded our hearts that morning, and that has flooded our eyes with tears for many months now as we have preached to those multitudes flowing in and out of Lakewood, like droves tottering on the brink of destruction.”


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