Kathryn Krick

Kathryn Krick: Shocking Miracles of Deliverance From Mental Illness


God is still in the business of doing miracles today.

In an exclusive interview with Charisma News, apostle Kathryn Krick shared powerful testimonies of healing from mental illness she’s witnessed during her time in ministry. The surprising, yet hopeful part of these testimonies is how many children have been set free from the bondages of mental health struggles.

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“I’ve seen parents just so hungry for freedom for them,” Krick says. “Because a lot of people, especially a lot of children, especially like with autism … some of the children aren’t able to use the bathroom. Some of the children are biting and scratching their mom and having such trouble in school and unable to speak. Unable to make eye contact.”

Despite these struggles, Krick has seen God break the yoke of bondage off of these children. During a virtual time of prayer, Krick prayed over a mother and her child who was struggling with autism. Another mother watching the prayer who desired to see her own child set free of autism claimed this same healing and saw her child transformed.

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“She said, ‘Look at my scars on my arms. These are from him pinching, scratching and biting me.’ And there was tons of scars over both of her arms. She said, ‘Ever since that prayer I received, [my child] stopped that completely,'” Krick says.

The woman also shared with Krick that her child had never spoken before, and when they finally did, their first word was “hallelujah.”

Krick says there are plenty of other testimonies like this one where children have been transformed by God’s healing power from autism and even from demon manifestations. She believes healing and freedom is a promise Christians can look for in Scripture.

“There’s powerful Scriptures that say ‘all were healed,’ and that all diseases, all kinds of sicknesses were going and all demons are going. And that includes mental problems, mental issues, mental diseases,” says Krick.

Krick believes one of the things keeping the church from seeing even more miracles related to mental health is a lack of belief that God can heal the mind. Yet, as she described in these testimony stories, God is still in the business of restoring the mind today.

“I think a lot of believers have, you know, accepted this wrong doctrine that ‘this is just my portion, and I don’t think God will heal it.’ But that’s not true. God can do any miracle, and God wants to do any miracle,” Krick says.

This is a reminder of what Jesus said to the man who had been waiting for his healing for 38 years, lying at a pool that was supposed to have healing powers. John 5:6 reads: “When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he had been in that condition now a long time, He said to him, ‘Do you want to be healed?'”

Jesus didn’t ask the man what limitations he believed existed. Instead, He simply asked if he was desiring to be healed. Perhaps we too should believe with childlike faith that God still can heal anyone. {eoa}

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Abby Trivett is a marketing copywriter and coordinator for Charisma Media.


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