Liberty Counsel: Christian University Chaplain Is a ‘Prop’ for LGBT Agenda


Dr. Kevin Mannoia, Azusa Pacific University chaplain and the former head of the National Association of Evangelicals, has become a prop for the LGBT agenda by directing pastors and counselors to reject biblical views of sexuality and deny counseling for those struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction or gender confusion.

On Monday, the California State Assembly passed a resolution authored by Assemblyman Evan Low, known as ACR 99, which calls on religious leaders and others with “moral influence” to affirm homosexuality and “transgenderism” and to accept that Christian efforts to help people with unwanted same-sex attraction or gender confusion are “ineffective, unethical and “harmful.” As a resolution, ACR 99 does not have the force of law but will be persuasive for some policymakers. It will now go to the state Senate for a vote.

Last year Low authored AB 2943, a bill that would have established government-enforced censorship of counselors who wanted to provide and consenting adults who wanted to receive talk therapy for unwanted same-sex attractions, behavior or gender confusion. It also tried to ban sales of printed materials and books expressing the viewpoint that unwanted same-sex attractions or gender confusion can be reduced or eliminated. Low withdrew the bill on the last day of the legislative session.

Mannoia recently testified before the judiciary committee in favor of ACR 99 and directed pastors and counselors to affirm LGBT behaviors.

In a letter submitted to legislators, Mannoia wrote, “On behalf of some Christian pastors and church leaders, I write to express various levels of support for the Resolution ACR 99 dealing with Conversion Therapy and LGBTQ persons.”

His contradictory letter also expressed his commitment to “ministry in the name of Jesus Christ rooting in the Bible as God’s Word.”

However, Mannoia didn’t explain how Christian beliefs differ with Low’s on issues of sexuality or how he could support a resolution condemning Christian efforts to help those with unwanted same-sex attraction or gender confusion.

More than two dozen doctors, counselors, former homosexuals and other Christian leaders signed a letter condemning the resolution, which they said violates religious freedom.

“Religious leaders have the constitutionally protected right to teach religious doctrine in accordance with their faith, and politicians have no right to tell clergy what is moral, dictate the content of their sermons, or instruct them in religious counseling,” they wrote. “Religiously traditional parents, pastors, faith-based ministries and therapists are uniquely able to assist individuals who experience unwanted same-sex attraction or unwanted gender incongruence to enjoy this happiness. Politicians should not take away the freedom to obtain their help.”

“It is appalling and a disgrace for a so-called Christian leader like Kevin Mannoia to encourage pastors to deny God’s authority for sexuality and support a resolution that refutes talk therapy for those struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction and behavior,” said Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel. “The hypocrisy of Mannoia to testify that he lives according to the Bible yet supports a resolution that is contrary to God’s Word is astonishing.”


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