Massively Viral Video Showcases Plane Breaking Out in Worship Led by Lee University Choir

Lee University Campus Choir

One by one, they lifted their voices to be a sweet song in His ear.  

“I love you Lord, and I lift my voice,” sang Lee University’s Campus Choir on a plane during a recent trip. “To worship you. Oh my soul, rejoice.” 

The video was posted to the choir’s Facebook page and amassed more than 80,000 views, 1,000 shares and hundreds of comments.  

“That’s my choir!!!” posted one fan. “That’s what we did on tours anytime we had an opportunity to sing and minister whether it was a plane, restaurant we sang (emojis) brings back amazing memories!!!!!” 

Another commented:”Beautiful ! I love that song. Would be great to have them on the plane with us, as we fly to Romania. Praying that God will work through our mission trip. Please keep us in your prayers.” 

And another wrote: “Beautiful, best way to fill a plane with praises for our Lord! Angels drawing near and flying with you in the sky!”

Watch the video to see for yourself! 

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